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Overview of the Project X RD&D Plan Sergei Nagaitsev AAC Meeting February 3, 2009.

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1 Overview of the Project X RD&D Plan Sergei Nagaitsev AAC Meeting February 3, 2009

2 Page 2 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev What’s in this talk? RD&D plan scope –In May 2008 the AAC reviewed the RD&D plan: –Refined the Project X scope (eliminated target, Recycler slow spill); –Disconnected from the ILC  beam parameters and cavity gradient only; –In Oct 2008 we released the ICD v1.0 and started the cost range estimate in preparation for CD0 (almost done). –We are now adjusting the RD&D plan to match the ICD Changes to ICD –We already found inconsistencies in ICD v1.0; will update before Mar 09 Alternative configurations –Moving with ACD in parallel with the ICD; ACD cost range will follow –Part of the RD&D plan

3 Page 3 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev RD&D Program Goals The goal of the Project X RD&D program is to provide support for a CD-2/3a approval in 2012. Spans 4 FY’s. –Design and technical component development; –Development of all project documentation mandated by DOE 413.3; –Formation of a multi-institutional collaboration capable of executing both the R&D plan and the provisional construction project. The primary technical goal is completion of a Conceptual Design Report, followed by a fully developed baseline cost estimate and schedule, and supported by a technology development program. –Capability of delivering in at least 2 MW of beam power over the range 60 – 120 GeV, simultaneous with at least 150 kW of beam power at 8 GeV.

4 Page 4 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev RD&D Technical Goals Complete conceptual design and cost estimate for Project X: –technical and conventional construction elements, –systems integration, and –installation and commissioning plan. Supporting technology development program targeting key accelerator physics and engineering challenges – incorporating simulations, experiments, and prototype construction as appropriate. Alignment with the SRF/ILC program: –Primary goal is to develop a set of technologies applicable to both ILC and Project X  Common cavity/cryomodule design, rf sources and distribution –Project X linac designed to accommodate accelerating gradients in the range 23.6 – 31.5 MV/m (XFEL – ILC)  Final design gradient determined prior to CD-2.

5 Page 5 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev Steps in Developing the RD&D Plan Design Criteria – high-level criteria for selection between designs –Guidance from P5, directorate, experiments, AAC (May 2008) Project Requirements - Receive the general requirements that support the desired physics –Derived from the Nov. 2007 & Jan 2008 Physics workshops –Director’s Guidance Scope - Determine the scope of the project that meets the project requirements System Requirements - develop major system requirements –10 systems (level-2 WBS elements) –17 base requirements –68 derived requirements

6 Page 6 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev Steps in Developing the RD&D Plan Issues - discuss issues arising from the requirements Elements - define the level-3 elements of an RD&D plan that –Addresses the issues arising from the requirements –Are directed towards a completion of Conceptual Design Report Resources and Schedule - estimate: –The resources required to complete the R&D plan –The schedule required to complete the R&D plan The RD&D plan was previously reviewed by the AAC (May 2008) –made modifications to ICD v1.0 following AAC recommendations –today we will review the entire plan but will concentrate on modifications

7 Page 7 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev Related Programs & Deliverables High Intensity Neutrino Source (HINS) –Bob Webber (APC) –Project X related deliverable: Prototype a 30 MeV Linac operating at 325 MHz providing 30mA of beam with a 1 ms pulse length Superconducting RF Infrastructure –Kephart (Directorate), Mishra (TD/Dir), Nagaitsev (AD/Dir) –Project X related deliverables: –Develop 1 cryo-module/ month capability –Three  = 1 and one  = 0.8 cryo-modules –NML RF unit test facility & CM test stand –System Integration test with beam ILC Americas –Cavities and processing: Mark Champion (TD) –Cryomodule design & assembly: Carter (TD)

8 Page 8 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev Design Criteria Derived from 3 missions of Project X Neutrino program with MI: 2 MW at 60-120 GeV Deliver 1.6e14 protons every 0.8 sec (with specific beam requirements); Mu2e experiment at 8 GeV: 150 kW slow extraction Specific beam requirement Deliver 1.4e13 protons per spill cycle (15-20 Hz) Provide a plausible self-consistent path to a 2-MW (and higher) proton source for a muon collider single bunch, 2-ns rms, 15 Hz, 2mm rms spot size on target, 8-20 GeV We have concluded that the total Project X beam power of 0.5MW at 8 GeV is sufficient to meet first 2 criteria Baseline missions

9 Page 9 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev Project X scope The basic scheme of Project X is: –An 8 GeV Linac –H- stripping in the Recycler –Beam distributed to the Main Injector for acceleration to 120 GeV –Beam distributed to Accumulator/Debuncher for an 8 GeV slow spill program The major components that comprise Project X are: –A front end linac operating at 325 MHz (max energy 420MeV). –A high-energy linac operating at 1300MHz. –An 8 GeV transfer line and H- Injection system. –The Recycler operating as a stripping ring and a proton accumulator. –The Main Injector acting as a rapid cycling accelerator. –Civil Construction and Utilities –Controls –Cryogenics

10 Page 10 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev Project X scope 120 GeV fast extraction spill 1.6 x 10 14 protons/1.4 sec 2 MW 8 GeV H - Linac up to 1.6x10 14 x 5 Hz Flex chopper pattern To Accumulator 8 GeV extraction (fast) 150 kW total Stripping Foil Recycler 1 linac pulse/fill Main Injector 1.4 sec cycle Single turn transfer @ 8 GeV 0.42-8 GeV HE Linac 0.42 GeV LE Linac

11 Page 11 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev Project X Requirements (ICD) ICD v1.0 exceeds the design criteria in terms of beam power Previous version of requirements (AAC May 2008): 360 kW (ILC- like) linac paramentrs –1 MW at 8 GeV was arrived at by requiring that the MI is loaded in a single linac pulse (1.6e14 ppp at 5 Hz)

12 Page 12 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev What is wrong with operating scenario in ICD? 1. Five out of seven linac pulses are unused. 2. 8e13 every 1.4 sec to Mu2e does not work – (1) high tune shift in Debuncher, (2) long emittance too high (150 eV-s) 3. Incorrect linac chopping pattern to extract 3 batches from Recycler 4. Note: Mu2e beam power in this scenario is 75 kW

13 Page 13 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev Operations scenario (60 GeV MI)

14 Page 14 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev Mu2e beam requirements Slow extraction from the Debuncher: –8 GeV, 150-ns (FW) bunch length, 20 eV-s (95%) max. long. emittance –tune shift limit for slow extraction ≤0.05; 1.4e13 per bunch max. Recycler is filled with 7 barrier-bucket bunches (1-µs long), long. emitt. 10 eV-s, 0.6-µs gaps, 1.4e13 ppb –Requires a different chopping pattern Bunches are then transferred to the Accumulator (at ~15 Hz rate) for bunch rotation (10 ms) and then to the Debuncher 1 µs 7 bunches

15 Page 15 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev Bunch rotation for Mu2e 0.0 0.785 1.59 Time (  sec) 0.0 0.785 1.59 Beam at Injection: LE= 10 eVs at t= 0 sec Beam with h=1+2 buckets at t= 0 sec E-E0(MeV) 0.0 0.785 1.59 Time (  sec) -120 0 120 E-E0(MeV) Just before transfer to the Debuncher at t= 10msec RMSW= 24 nsec FW=132 nsec E-E0(MeV) RMSW= 29 MeV FW=100 MeV Arbitrary Units

16 Page 16 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev System Requirements Previously reviewed by the AAC (May 2008, Aug 2007) Once the major system requirements were formulated, a report was written (Jan 2008) that –Discussed issues arising from the requirements –Defined the elements of an RD&D plan that  Addresses the issues arising from the requirements  Are directed towards a completion of Conceptual Design Report –Estimated:  The resources required to complete the R&D plan  The schedule required to complete the R&D plan The plan is documented at: We are now modifying the RD&D plan to meet the ICD system requirements

17 Page 17 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev Alternative configurations Alternative configuration studies are mandated by the DOE project Critical Decision process. ACD and its cost range estimate is being created in parallel/series to the ICD by the same people. Work on the ACD is part of the RD&D plan ACD is considered: –in support of baseline design criteria (neutrino and mu2e missions);  Examples: 1-ms pulse vs. 3-ms, TSR vs. L-band elliptical cavities –in support of future upgrades;  Path to 2  4 MW –in support of project scope changes;  not covered in this talk

18 Page 18 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev Why ACD for baseline missions? The Recycler is far from being ideal for the proton accumulation: –fixed energy, permanent magnets; –small acceptance; –Large transverse impedance because of wall resistivity; –very long (3.3 km) for an 8 GeV ring; –no solution found for slow extraction; Space-charge tune shift is an issue –The maximum tune shift is limited by how much beam losses one can tolerate –Fermilab Booster has a tune shift of -0.3 at injection (400 MeV); it looses 10-15% of particles at injection or 300 W (at 7.5 Hz operation) –Fermilab MI presently has a tune shift of -0.18 at injection (w/ slip stacking); it looses 5% of particles (mostly because of slip stacking) at injection or 1.5 kW. Number of protons per bunch: 10e10

19 Page 19 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev Tune shift 2 MW operation in the MI requires 1.6e14 protons at injection in the Recycler and MI or 3e10 ppb  3 times what we have now. If do nothing -- beam losses will be too high. Our solution in the ICD – painting (transverse and longitudinal): –Make transverse distribution uniform (by “painting”) –Make transv. emittance bigger: 15 to 25 µm (100%) –Make bunches longer (long. emittance increase, two-harmonic rf) Ultimately, no more beam power upgrades for MI unless the injection energy is increased.

20 Page 20 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev Are based on the idea that one can reduce the linac energy by making a smaller-size ring with bigger acceptance A good alternative appears to be an 800-m Rapidly Cycling Synchrotron (1/4 of MI) with a 2-GeV injection Alternative configurations Pulsed H - Linac Stripping Foil Synchrotron

21 Page 21 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev Cartoon for scale RCS 2GeV Linac 4GeV Linac

22 Page 22 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev Upgrade path Provide a plausible self-consistent path to a 2-MW (and higher to 4 MW) proton source for a muon collider Project X -> –Neutrino factory -> Muon collider We have to anticipate a coherent upgrade path –Energy choice –Initial infrastructure choice –Future developments The most general structure for Muon collider proton source –Linac -> Synchrotron (?) -> Accumulator ring (?) -> Compressor ring –single bunch, 2-ns rms, 15 Hz (or higher), 5-20 GeV, 2mm rms spot size on target

23 Page 23 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev Alternatives to be considered 1 2 3

24 Page 24 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev ICD and ACD Meets design criteria for nu and mu2e

25 Page 25 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev Conclusions for upgrades study (preliminary) Option 1 does not work Option 2 has a limited beam power reach: 1 MW for 8 GeV, 15 Hz, single bunch (2-ns rms, 2-mm rms size) Option 3 has a power reach to 4 MW at 21 GeV, allows to increase the beam power in the MI beyond 2 MW by increasing injection energy to 21 GeV.

26 Page 26 AAC, February 3, 2009 – Sergei Nagaitsev Summary The design criteria and general requirements of Project X are defined From the general requirements: –The scope of Project X is defined –The requirements of the technical subsystems are derived The system requirements drive the design and development plan goals. A RD&D team was assembled to formulate and execute the design and development plan. The updated RD&D plan will be released by the end of February, and will incorporate input from this meeting Specific goals for each sub-system have been defined. The resources required to accomplish these goals have been defined.

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