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Presentation on theme: " Andrew Simmons Deputy Director – Services for Children And Young People From StAR to a post Wolf world - A Hertfordshire Perspective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andrew Simmons Deputy Director – Services for Children And Young People From StAR to a post Wolf world - A Hertfordshire Perspective

2 1.Strategic Area Review and Area Wide Inspection 2.Progress Made and celebrating success 3.Partnership Working and supporting infrastructure 4.Key Challenges and area we need to improve further

3 Strategic Area Review and Area Wide Inspection 2003 / 2005 Neither were very positive! Suggested complacency recognised that progression post age 16 was relatively poor focus too much on institutions and not enough on the quality of learning Insufficient choice of learning provision

4 SPG and 7 local SAPGs given key role in developing partnership based response to weaknesses in provision Local responses that enable access to appropriate learning provision for all young people Reducing NEETs and keeping all young people in learning Improving Learning outcomes Development of 14 – 19 Strategic Partnership Arrangements in 2005

5 Key Stage 4 Results - Long Term Trends 2004200520062007200820092010 % 5 A* to C GCSE 59.0%61.8%65.6%68.0%71.0%73.0%79.6% % 5 A* to C inc. En and maths 53.7%55.9%58.1%59.2%64.3% Improvement in inclusion related data over the same period: Reduced fixed term and permanent exclusions Improved attendance and reduced persistent absence Attainment gap closing for some vulnerable groups and key communities 2011 83% 67% Key Stage 4 Outcomes Achieved

6 Post 16 Achievements Most young people stay in learning Low NEET rates particularly at age 16 From below average outcomes to above average Gap narrowed for most vulnerable groups Drop out rate during Year 12 significantly reduced

7 Progress underpinned by partnership based approach and major infrastructure developments New and innovative provision in schools and FE colleges - working together enabling greater flexibility of provision for young people Further Education Colleges infrastructure developments – FIVE new major redevelopments Private providers continuing to play a significant role

8 BUT The rest of the country caught up slightly this year Need to close the gap in achievement and well-being: - some groups of children - some communities - aspects of the system itself Life changing stuff! Educational Outcomes Achieved

9 Maintaining momentum within a changing environment Greater freedoms and flexibilities for schools and other institutions Probably over 50% of secondary schools opting to become academies Changing role of Local Authority Planned changes to 14 – 19 Strategic partnership arrangements

10 Key Challenges Information, Advice and Guidance: increasing the professionalism of the careers guidance workforce is critical to future success BUT needs to be resourced properly! Information and Advice has improved but do we provide sufficient Guidance? Role of proposed new All Age Careers Service still under discussion – critical that we get this right The Role of Schools Success built upon strong partnership between school and external IAG partners and Employers. A good Careers Education IAG Programme goes far beyond the curriculum

11 Key Challenges Support for 18 year olds Less HE provision and difficult jobs market will put additional pressure on helping this group achieve their potential Need to make alternative pathways into HE a reality for many more young people Vulnerable Groups Still much to do to enable these young people to achieve their potential – changes to EMA, increased tuition fees, difficult economic conditions and fewer support staff will make this much more challenging. Employer Links Some good progress, but what more can we do to prepare young people for the world of work

12 Raising the participation age in Hertfordshire - set to achieve this objective – but system dynamics changing Almost all young people opt to stay in learning Very high post 16 participation rates Around 50% of young people continue immediately into Higher Education Opportunities for 18 year olds are at there weakest for a generation Employer links need further development Preparing young people to become competitive in the labour market is critical Apprenticeships, Apprenticeships, Apprenticeships

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