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Collaborate to Customize: A Consortium’s Journey Anya N. Arnold.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaborate to Customize: A Consortium’s Journey Anya N. Arnold."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaborate to Customize: A Consortium’s Journey Anya N. Arnold

2 Overview Location Orbis Cascade Alliance Past Direction Change Partnerships Current State of Affairs New Strategic Agenda Lessons Learned Questions



5 Orbis Cascade Alliance 37 Members… Private & Public Colleges, Universities, Community Colleges in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho

6 Central Oregon Comm. College Central Washington University Chemeketa Community College Clark College Concordia University Eastern Oregon University Eastern Washington University George Fox University Lane Community College Lewis & Clark College Linfield College Mt. Hood Community College Oregon State University Oregon Health & Science Univ. Oregon Institute of Technology Oregon State University Pacific University Portland Community College Portland State University Reed College Saint Martin’s University Seattle Pacific University Seattle University Southern Oregon University The Evergreen State College University of Idaho University of Oregon University of Portland University of Puget Sound University of Washington Walla Walla College Warner Pacific College Washington State University Western Oregon University Western Washington University Whitman College Willamette University

7 Orbis Cascade Alliance Serving 280… Colleges, universities, archives, museums in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, Hawaii, and Utah

8 Resource Sharing: 253,000 items a year Courier: 305,000 packages a year Jointly Owned Ebooks: 17,000 E-Journals Subscriptions: 3,910 Databases: 135 Guides to Archival Collections: 23,000 Consortial Assessment Activites Conferences and Workshops ……so much more….

9 Orbis Cascade Alliance Non-profit corporation… 9 staff, no central funding, 21 years old.


11 Past Direction 2011-2013 Strategic Agenda 1. Cooperative Collection Development “As an Alliance, we consider the combined collections of member institutions as one collection. While member institutions continue to acquire their own material, the Alliance is committed to cooperative collection development to leverage member institutions' resources to better serve our users.”

12 Past Direction 2011-2013 Strategic Agenda 1.Cooperative Collection Development Ebook Program WEST Duplication Threshold

13 Past Direction 2011-2013 Strategic Agenda 1.Cooperative Collection Development Development of a Shared-Monograph Purchasing Plan Explored Consortial Acquisitions Workflows Explored Subject selectors for a shared collection

14 Past Direction 2011-2013 Strategic Agenda 2.Collaborative Technical Services “We have identified shared staff as a key area for collaboration and technical services as a promising area of initial investigation, with other initiatives to follow.”

15 Past Direction 2011-2013 Strategic Agenda 2.Collaborative Technical Services Cataloging ACJK items Cataloging Joint Ebooks Collaborative Technical Services Symposium

16 Past Direction 2011-2013 Strategic Agenda 3.Digital Initiatives Digital Services Day Digital Asset Management Digital Preservation Readiness Code4Lib NorthWest

17 Past Direction 2011-2013 Strategic Agenda 3.Digital Initiatives Pilots: Cloud Sandbox Service Offline Storage IRs

18 Past Direction 2011-2013 Strategic Agenda 3.Digital Initiatives Grants: IMLS Grant for Cross-Search and Context Utilities

19 Past Direction 2011-2013 Strategic Agenda 4. Discovery WorldCat: WC Usability Studies WC Discovery Day WC Purchase

20 Past Direction 2011-2013 Strategic Agenda 4. Discovery Other Discovery Systems: Market place analysis Investigating just what is a “Next Generation Discovery Platform”

21 Past Direction 2011-2013 Strategic Agenda 5.Future of Integrated Library Systems Investigate and recommend a course of action that will benefit all member libraries.

22 Overview Location Orbis Cascade Alliance Past Direction Change Partnerships Current State of Affairs New Strategic Agenda Lessons Learned Questions

23 Change Future of Integrated Library Systems RFI, Demos, Recommendations RFP, Demos, Recommendations Votes

24 Change In July 2012 Council voted to enter in to a contract with Ex Libris for a consortial implementation of Alma and Primo.

25 What does that mean? We are be replacing –Integrated Library System –Discovery Systems –Link resolvers/knowledgebases –Standalone proxy servers –Electronic Resource Management systems –Local servers…to the could –Resource Sharing System

26 Three BIG projects at ONCE! Legacy > Next generation 37 > 1 Acting as 1

27 WHY? Not an end in itself...because of the past …because of the future

28 The past … Based on limited bandwidth, storage, lack of standards Lagging functionality Hard to : Innovate Integrate Extract data Total cost of ownership: maintenance, servers, discovery, ERM, open URL resolvers, etc.

29 The future … Better services for students, faculty, staff Improved resource sharing Improved staff tools New opportunities, Collaborative Technical Services Vision of “one collection” New options Alma, Intota, Sierra, WMS, etc.

30 Partnerships Internal Member Library Staff Communication Commitment Change Management Campus relations

31 Partnerships Internal Member to Member Mentors Comradery New colleagues Train the Trainer

32 Partnerships External Vendors and Service Providers Migration off services Re-establishing trust Migration onto new services Building trust Development partner

33 Timeline Sept 2012Project manager begins Appointments to Working Groups made Contract with Ex Libris signed Oct-Dec 2012Shared ILS Team begins work Cohorts finalized Pre-Implementation planning with Ex Libris begins Jan-June 2013Kick Off Meeting Data migration System configuration Training July 2013Cohort 1 went live (Alma, Primo, NRE, WC) Jan 2014Cohort 2 went live (Alma, Primo, NRE, WC) July 2014Cohort 3 went live (Alma, Primo, NRE, WC) Jan 2015Cohort 4 WILL go live (Alma, Primo) Jan 2015Cohort 1-4 WILL migrate off of NRE and WC- and Start Using: Alma Resource Sharing

34 Overview Location Orbis Cascade Alliance Past Direction Change Partnerships Current State of Affairs New Strategic Agenda Lessons Learned Questions

35 Strategic Agenda 2014- 1. Work Smart Work and partner at the appropriate scale: local, regional, national, international Maximize impact Do things once Do things the same Do things together Invest in staff training, development, and expertise Leverage financial resources

36 Strategic Agenda 2014- 2. Design for Engagement Collect wisely, share freely, and enhance the teaching, learning, and research environment Investigate, create, and implement discovery and resource sharing tools Expose and preserve unique collections Improve usability and reduce barriers to access

37 Strategic Agenda 2014- 2. Design for Engagement Collect wisely, share freely, and enhance the teaching, learning, and research environment Collaborate for shared access and shared collections Create and promote new models of publication and data curation Explore new models of pedagogy to advance learning and scholarship

38 Strategic Agenda 2014- 3. Innovate to Transform Push boundaries, change the landscape, and inspire the profession Demonstrate the broader contributions of libraries in higher education Pursue research Develop groundbreaking services Reimagine shared systems Advocate for change

39 Lessons !!! If you dream it you can do it Little steps adds up to HUGE advances Communication is never enough Schedule breaks

40 Lessons !!! Anticipation is worse than reality Everyone is stressed so tread with kindness We all want this to work, and to work extremely well

41 Overall

42 Anya N. Arnold Resource Sharing & Courier Program Manager Orbis Cascade Alliance @AnyaNArnold

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