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Today’s Sermon: Mark 12:35-44, “Jesus Goes On The Offensive And Challenges The Pharisees About Their Knowledge Of The Messiah As Well As Their Hypocrisy”

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Sermon: Mark 12:35-44, “Jesus Goes On The Offensive And Challenges The Pharisees About Their Knowledge Of The Messiah As Well As Their Hypocrisy”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Sermon: Mark 12:35-44, “Jesus Goes On The Offensive And Challenges The Pharisees About Their Knowledge Of The Messiah As Well As Their Hypocrisy” by Pastor Jim Bomkamp

2 Outline of today’s msg: 1. Jesus goes on the offensive and interrogates the Pharisees about their wrong conception about the Messiah. 2. Jesus will next give a scathing rebuke to the Pharisees. 3. Jesus and His disciples watch people giving to the temple treasury, and Jesus points out a poor widow giving two small coins and tells them she gave more than all

3 Mark 12:35-37: Jesus questions the Pharisees how the Messiah could be the son of David yet David calls Him ‘lord’?

4 David’s writing of Psalm 110 and calling the Messiah his “lord” proves that the Messiah when He comes must be both human (a descendant of David) but also divine.

5 Mark 12:38-40: Jesus gives a scathing rebuke and condemnation of the Pharisees

6 The scriptures teach us much about the importance of having a healthy “fear of God”, especially the books of poetry (Psalm 34:11; Job 28:28; Proverbs 1:7; 8:13; 14:27; 10:27)

7 Jesus’ charges of ostentation: 1. ‘like to walk around in long robes’. 2. ‘like respectful greetings in the market places’. 3. ‘like chief seats in the synagogues’. 4. ‘like places of honor at banquets’.

8 Mark 12:41-44: Jesus commends the giving of a poor widow to the temple treasury

9 Observe several things about Jesus: 1. Jesus notices every gift given to Him. 2. Jesus evaluates every gift given to Him 3. Big gifts given from wrong motives or which aren’t really sacrificially given do not impress the Lord. 4. The Lord wants us to give out of our love and gratefulness. 5. Those people who may be obscure to others may be highest esteemed by the Lord. 6. Value of gifts are based upon how much it cost us to give it

10 Conclusions: 1. Be careful of your preconceptions, have an open mind to God whenever you study and ready His word. 2. Take heed that you have a proper fear of the Lord in your life. 3. Give proper place to righteous anger in your life. 4. When you give to the Lord, weigh your motives carefully, and give sacrificially not just out of your excess.

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