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Gilded Age. Inventions Famous People Immigra- tion Pro- gressive Era Industrial Rev. Hodge Podge $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000.

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Presentation on theme: "Gilded Age. Inventions Famous People Immigra- tion Pro- gressive Era Industrial Rev. Hodge Podge $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gilded Age

2 Inventions Famous People Immigra- tion Pro- gressive Era Industrial Rev. Hodge Podge $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000

3 Inventions (200) He invented the electric light bulb in 1879.

4 Inventions (400) These brothers flew the first manned airplane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina in 1903.

5 Inventions (600) Alexander Graham Bell invented this communication device in 1876.

6 Inventions (800) He received the first patent for the gasoline powered automobile.

7 Inventions (1000) This process made it cheaper and quicker to produce steel.

8 Famous People (200) He made a fortune in steel and wrote “The Gospel of Wealth.”

9 Famous People (400) This American author coined the phrase “the Gilded Age.”

10 Famous People (600) His Model T was the first automobile to be mass produced on an assembly line.

11 Famous People (800) The assassination of this man started World War I.

12 Famous People (1000) This president was responsible for beginning construction of the Panama Canal.

13 Hodge Podge (200) These two industries emerged in the 1800s to drive America’s industrial expansion..

14 Hodge Podge (1000) Congress passed this law in 1890 to limit the power of big business.

15 Hodge Podge (600) The sinking of this passenger ship pushed the U.S. towards involvement in World War I.

16 Hodge Podge (800) The only amendment to the Constitution that was later repealed.

17 Hodge Podge (400) These journalists wrote about social problems in the United States.

18 Immigration (200) The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the United States from this nation.

19 Immigration (400) This processing station for immigrants first opened in New York Harbor in 1892.

20 Immigration (600) People from this nation were banned from entering the United States in 1882.

21 Immigration (800) How many people immigrated to the U.S. between 1880-1920.

22 Immigration (1000) Congress established this as the quota for the number of immigrants able to enter the U.S. each year.

23 Progressive Era (200) This amendment to the Constitution gave women the right to vote.

24 Progressive Era (400) A fire at this company in New York City led to the creation of fire codes and improved work conditions.

25 Progressive Era (600) These agreements prevented factory workers from joining unions.

26 Progressive Era (800) He was the corrupt political boss in New York City.

27 Progressive Era (1000) This journalist investigated the meat packing industry and wrote the book “The Jungle.”

28 Industrial Revolution (200) Standard Oil made him the richest man in America.

29 Industrial Revolution (400) This was the first national labor union in the United States.

30 Industrial Revolution (600) In these large businesses, one board of directors controlled several different companies.

31 Industrial Revolution (800) He was the powerful leader of the American Federation of Labor.

32 Industrial Revolution (1000) This is when unions and management negotiate wages & work conditions.

33 Final Jeopardy Four American presidents have been assassinated. Who are they?

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