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1. Designed to develop promising TEL staff members, below senior management, within all departments at all levels of the corporation Goal –Educate employees.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Designed to develop promising TEL staff members, below senior management, within all departments at all levels of the corporation Goal –Educate employees."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 Designed to develop promising TEL staff members, below senior management, within all departments at all levels of the corporation Goal –Educate employees about the issues facing the TEL and the lottery industry –Assist them in developing the skills needed to make an impact –Help them become the leaders the corporation needs to sustain itself Executive Staff Commitment –Individual mentoring and shadowing experience –Book reviews –Leadership Lessons OVERVIEW 2

3 Selection Process –Candidates required to complete an application form and submit a letter of recommendation from VP or EVP –Selection made by Executive Management Team 3

4 TEL 2011 Inaugural Emerging Leaders & Executive Staff 4

5 Program ─ Intensive twelve-month commitment ─ Each session began with a leadership quote which set the stage for the program For Example, If there is anything I would like to be remembered for it is that I helped people understand that leadership is helping other people grow and succeed. To repeat myself, leadership is not just about you. It’s about them. Jack Welch 5

6 ─ Participants > shadowed senior management > attended TEL sales, board of directors, minority business advisory board, and retailer advisory board meetings > toured instant ticket vendor’s printing plant and warehouse, on-line vendor’s local site and warehouse, and advertising agency’s facility 6

7 > Attended focus groups and commercial shoots > Met with lottery industry, local corporate, public interest and legislative leaders > Toured corporate profit and non-profit headquarters facilities > Attended monthly seminars and training sessions > Read and critiqued several business publications > Delivered two oral presentations and a final project 7

8 Project Description You and your committee members have assumed positions on the executive management team of the TEL. Looking at the corporation’s business, what does management need to accomplish over the next five years? What are the biggest issues facing the TEL? How can the corporation increase sales and raise more dollars for the programs it funds? Your task is to design a multi- media presentation that highlights your team’s approach to the challenge noted above. 8

9 You will now hear from the TEL 2011 Inaugural Emerging Leaders Program Project Presentation Winners 9

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