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FROM ESD to EBFM Where we are going: future directions What are the current and future drivers of change? Glenn Sant.

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Presentation on theme: "FROM ESD to EBFM Where we are going: future directions What are the current and future drivers of change? Glenn Sant."— Presentation transcript:

1 FROM ESD to EBFM Where we are going: future directions What are the current and future drivers of change? Glenn Sant

2 Responsible Supply Risk Based Management Harvest Strategy Policy – Precaution Why? The increasing knowledge of the impact of fishing on the marine environment and its occupants Equal opportunity to be conserved (Target, Byproduct and Bycatch) true EBFM ERA and ERM a framework for management absent of political interference?

3 Responsible Supply EPBC an important part of responsible supply (From Schedule 4 exemption of WPA Act to EPBC.) EPBC = Eco label? No Management = Sustainable? Not necessarily Greater joint management and cooperation between the States, territory and Commonwealth

4 Responsible Supply Management success measured Dynamic management that can respond to eg. Climate change

5 Responsible Demand The case of South African Demersal Shark Fishery Limited management, monitoring and regulation No knowledge of impact Almost no collection of data by Australia, the main importer Australia undertakes review to resolve data problem The need for traceability of all seafood product

6 Further international Drivers IUU Seafood Product controls by USA and EU Port State Controls CITES RFMO’s and other Multilaterals

7 FROM ESD to EBFM Where we are going: future directions What are the current and future drivers of change? Glenn Sant

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