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Request for Service (RFS) Process and Metrics Update June 24, 2008.

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1 Request for Service (RFS) Process and Metrics Update June 24, 2008

2 1 Today’s goal is to update AITR members on the RFS process and planned improvements This briefing: –Reviews RFS process goals and performance objectives –Establishes process roles and responsibilities –Identifies issue areas that are currently impacting RFS execution –Discusses proposed actions to improve the RFS process and monitor progress

3 2 We have developed action plans to address key issues with RFS and renewed efforts to improve the process Executive Summary –Request for Service is one of the top challenges the organization has faced over the last two years, and it remains a key point of customer frustration and dissatisfaction –We are renewing our focus on this area by identifying additional resources to work RFS’s, investigating root causes for delays, making process improvements, establishing process metrics and communicating changes –We are currently designing metric reporting tools and analyzing data to identify on going process improvements –We have set a target of July 1 as our goal to resolve key issues identified and begin meeting the defined performance targets for RFS project delivery Based on resource plan execution our target has been redefined as Aug. 1 st. –Active customer participation in certain areas of the RFS process is essential to ensure that we properly set and meet customer expectations –Customer participation is critical to help improve the process and remain on track for the delivery of RFS proposals

4 3 What is Request for Service? Request for Service (RFS): –Is a request from an agency to provide new or enhanced services. These services typically require some level of solution development and unique pricing. –RFS Examples: Facility relocation, provide Network, voice, PC deployments, etc. New System hosting Install Wireless network Phone System Upgrade Provide additional computing resources, servers, PCs, etc. –Approximately 177 RFS requests currently in queue (May 1, 2008, was 203) 107 RFS requests in front-end phases (May 1, 2008, was 133) 70 RFS requests in close-out phases (May 1, 2008, was 70) –Cancellation of RFS’s remains high 29.6% (91 of 308) of all RFS’s opened in the RFS register have been cancelled Reasons for cancellation range from the customer no longer desires the solution to budgetary issues

5 4 The RFS Process is organized into 10 Phases 1.Lead Qualification 2.Requirements Gathering 3.Customer Requirements Analysis Review & Sign-off 4.Technical Solution and Cost Proposal Development 5.VITA Solution Review and Pricing 6.Customer Proposal Review & Sign-off 7.Authorization to Proceed 8.Solution Implementation 9.Customer Acceptance of Work & Sign-off 10. Invoicing and Archiving

6 5 We have established target timeframes for each RFS phase RFS PhaseTarget 1. Requirements Gathering (Note 2, 4)< 15 days from meeting 2. Date for a Date Commitment (Note 3)< 10 days 3. Preliminary Solution Review ( Note 2, 4)< 15 days 4. Solution Delivery to VITA (Note 3)= or > 95% on time delivery/year 5. Solution Delivery to Customer (Note 4)< 7 days from item 4 above 6. Customer Solution Review (Note 2, 4)< 10 days from item 5 above 7. Authorization to Proceed (Note 3, 4)< 5 days from item 6 above 8. Implementation (based on Acceptance Criteria defined in SOW) (Note 3, 4) = or > 95% on time delivery/year 9. Completion Notice Sent to VITA< 15 days from item 8 above 10. Sign Off (Note 3, 4)< 10 days from item 9 above All days are in business days (excludes weekends) 95% on time targets will be running monthly measures and will be based on overall annual performance Beginning performance period for revised metrics reporting is January 2008. RFS Light (single platform project) is typically shorter timeframe Change orders may result in renegotiated or adjusted target dates for implementation. Note 1 Note 1- Parallel events from Step 1 Note 2- Formal customer meetings Note 3- Monthly Performance Metrics Note 4- Requires customer involvement

7 6 RFS Issues and Actions We identified areas where RFS delays generally occur and identified actions needed to address them Issue Area Recommended Action Lead Qualification Identify and introduce projects as early as possible Mature CAT meetings to increase focus on strategic plans Requirements Gathering Improve identification, understanding, agreement and sign off of business and functional requirements needed to develop solutions Solution Development Add technical resources for solution development Add network, voice and server/mainframe resources to meet current demand Pricing Add business management (pricing) resources Develop additional pricing models for RFS (new RU’s, approach) Performance Measures Continue to develop/implement actionable performance measures to manage the process and proactively address issues Note: Typically we have found that the RFS pipeline gets “clogged” on the front end of the process and not during implementation

8 7 We are developing RFS Performance Metrics to measure our progress and drive continuous improvements Two Types of New RFS Monthly Performance Measures 1.RFS In-Flight Performance or RFS Issues Log Description: The Issues Log provides early warning and actions needed for those RFS proposals that are at risk, so we can monitor and take actions to address and resolve issues Goal: Update on a daily basis, or as needed basis, to Report on actions, owners and due dates to resolve open issues for those projects that are late or are at risk of being late to avoid or reduce delays and customer impact Status: In production 2.RFS Monthly Performance Metrics Description: These metrics will provide “rear view mirror” of actual performance and will be reported in Monthly Program Reviews Goal: Produce actionable performance results – report on those that are in band and manage/address those projects that are out of band or missed targets Status: In final stages of development, pending production

9 8 How Our Customers Can Assist with the RFS Process Lead Qualification: Ensure VITA is pulled in with Agencies and consultants early to jointly develop plans and identify projects - we are your business partners and can help guide the process and improve quality Requirements Gathering: Actively participate in requirements gathering, preliminary solution and final solution review meetings with timely feedback and approvals Authorization to Proceed (ATP): Provide ATP as early as possible or identify concerns that need to be addressed Requirements or Scope Changes: Update your APM or Project Manager on requirements/scope changes promptly, so we can effectively manage resulting change orders and schedule impacts Project completion sign off: Provide prompt project completion sign off, based on defined acceptance criteria in SOW’s

10 9 Next Steps and Recovery Schedule Address Lead Qualification issues and develop and execute customer communications plans related to RFS process and customer involvement – Communications plan complete- communications underway. Resource commitment to address RFS solution development and pricing issues –Adding a total of thirteen (13) dedicated resources to address current RFS back-log Target to add eight (8) resources by May 15 Target to add five (5) resources by May 30 Current status: –Currently we have added 9 of the 13 projected resources –Remaining resource should be on-board by mid July Complete development of initial Monthly Performance Metric Reports - Target is July 14, 2008

11 10 Questions and Recommendations?

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