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MAP Test. Goal Setting Each child has a Math & Reading goal Listed on Contract Talk to your child about their goal & help them remember the numbers they.

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Presentation on theme: "MAP Test. Goal Setting Each child has a Math & Reading goal Listed on Contract Talk to your child about their goal & help them remember the numbers they."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAP Test

2 Goal Setting Each child has a Math & Reading goal Listed on Contract Talk to your child about their goal & help them remember the numbers they are shooting for Not about who scores the highest, but about growth

3 Compass Learning ** Must go through district webpage, can’t Google Username: Password: * activities are based on your child’s individual RIT score

4 Great Websites htm Don’t require a username or password, just your child’s RIT score

5 FCRR Florida Center for Reading Research - Hundreds of activities you can print & do -Focuses on a variety of skills -Researched based

6 NWEA Parent Toolkit

7 Ways to Incorporate Math into your Day

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