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PPT Study Guide Rio Carter. Tone Any sound considered with reference to its quality pitch, strength or source. Quality or Character of sound. Stress of.

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Presentation on theme: "PPT Study Guide Rio Carter. Tone Any sound considered with reference to its quality pitch, strength or source. Quality or Character of sound. Stress of."— Presentation transcript:

1 PPT Study Guide Rio Carter

2 Tone Any sound considered with reference to its quality pitch, strength or source. Quality or Character of sound. Stress of voice on a syllable of a word. Vocal sound; the sound made by vibrating muscular glands in the larynx.

3 Mood A state or quality of feeling at a particular time. A state of sullenness, gloom are bad tempered. A distinctive emotional quality or character. A prevailing emotional tone or general attitude.

4 Diction Style of speaking or writing as dependent upon choice of words. The accent, inflection, intonation and speech sound quality manifested by a individual speaker, usually judged in terms of prevailing standards of acceptability.

5 Syntax The study of Rules for the formation grammatical sentences in a language. The study of patterns of formation in sentences and phrases from words. The rules or patterns so studied. A presentation of these.

6 Synonym A word having the same are nearly the same meaning as another in the language. A word or expression excepted as another name for something. One of two or more scientific names applied to a single taxon.

7 Antonym A word opposite in meaning to another. Opposite

8 How I Will Take The Test Step 1 First I will get good sleep before I take the PSSA. By going to bed a little earlier. And not training as much doing these days.

9 Step 2 Second I will make sure to eat a good breakfast before the PSSA. A good breakfast will keep your mind on its goal/keep you focused. And if you didn’t have a good breakfast your stomach would be growling and you would lose focus and get lazy/or go to sleep.

10 Step 3 Third be sure to get a little extra studying before you take the PSSA. Either by Studying a little the morning of the PSSA in order to get your mind more focused and active. Are by getting studying done doing the announcements.

11 Step 4/Step 5 Step 4: Step 5: Listen to what the teacher and announcers have to say. Never give up no matter what, you could just stop and take a rest an then continue.

12 Illustration

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