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Online Learning Seminar Mr. Ron Olienyk Distance Learning Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Online Learning Seminar Mr. Ron Olienyk Distance Learning Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Learning Seminar Mr. Ron Olienyk Distance Learning Manager

2 Online Learning - Online Learning - Challenges - Hybrid Courses - Strategies - Online Discussion - Current Courses - CAP Learning Management System

3 Definition What is Distance Education? Within a context of rapid technological change and shifting market conditions, Corporate America is challenged with providing increased educational opportunities without increased budgets. Many educational institutions are answering this challenge by developing distance education programs. At its most basic level, distance education takes place when a teacher and student(s) are separated by physical distance, and technology (i.e., voice, video, data, and print), often in concert with face-to-face communication, is used to bridge the instructional gap. These types of programs can provide on-the-job training, reach those disadvantaged by limited time, distance or physical disability, and update the knowledge base of workers at their places of employment.

4 Challenges - Moving from print course to online course - Can’t just move it over - Internet Access - Email Capability - Video/Videoconferencing - Copyrights Effective distance education begins with careful planning and a focused understanding of course requirements and student needs.

5 Hybrid Courses - Current - SLS - Communications (ICUT) - Possible - Almost every course we teach - Challenges - Change - Time - Avoid “Course and a Half” - Integrate “face-to-face” with online - Keep it simple

6 Strategies - What’s Different about Distant Teaching - Distant teacher/instructor has few, if any, visual clues - Use Effective Teaching Skills - Realistically assess the amount of content that can be delivered - Be aware that students will have different learning styles - Diversify and pace the course - Focus on the Student - Be concise -Think about learner and flow of course - Establish Expectations - Encourage Dialogue

7 Online Discussion - Improving Interaction and feedback - Provide pre-class material (Give the student a head start) - Require students to contact instructor and interact amongst themselves early in the course - Integrate Feedback - email - video - Contact each student every week - Return assignments promptly - Current Online SLS/CLC

8 Divisions - Operations - Communications - Safety - IG - PD - Finance - PA

9 E-edition of Civil Air Patrol Volunteer magazine accessible on VolunteerNow website before it is published E-edition of Civil Air Patrol Volunteer magazine accessible on VolunteerNow website before it is published Volunteer magazine averages 80,000 visits per issue Volunteer magazine averages 80,000 visits per issue Electronic version offers many features, including video links Electronic version offers many features, including video links

10 Aerospace Education (AE) Aerospace Education (AE) New Products Available New Products Available Robotics module Robotics module Satellite Imagery Module (CAP-TERS) Satellite Imagery Module (CAP-TERS) Model Aircraft Program Model Aircraft Program Emphasis on “STEM” subjects Emphasis on “STEM” subjects Aligned with National Academic Standards Aligned with National Academic Standards Found at Found at

11 CAP Learning Management System EServices

12 CAP Learning Management System Opening Screen

13 CAP Learning Management System Look at a course (Content)

14 CAP Learning Management System Quiz

15 CAP Learning Management System Past Results – Student View

16 CAP Learning Management System Gradebook EServices

17 CAP Online Learning Questions

18 Thank You for your Service! “Citizens Serving Communities”

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