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Lecture 1: Review of Computer Organization

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1 Lecture 1: Review of Computer Organization
Operating System Fall 2014

2 What is Operating System?
Operating system is a program that acts as an intermediary between a user of a computer and the computer hardware. Main GOALS of an OS: To make the computer system convenient to use To use the computer hardware in an efficient manner

3 Four Elements of a Computer System
Processor (CPU) Control the operation of the computer and its data processing functions. Main Memory Stores data and programs RAM - random access memory I/O Modules Auxiliary storage like disk drives, tape drives Printers, terminals, monitors System Bus Provides for transfer of data among processors, main memory, and I/O modules

4 Computer Organization
CPU PC IR Execution Unit MAR MBR I/O AR I/O BR I/O module DATA Instruction buffer MAIN MEMORY System Bus 1 n-1 n-2

5 CPU (Processors) Registers
A processor includes a set of registers that provide a level of memory faster than main memory. User-visible Registers Control and Status Registers

6 User-visible Registers
Many instructions operate on data sitting on working registers. Since registers are faster than main memory, it is better that data be moved to registers before operating on them. May be referenced by the machine language that the processor executes available to all programs - application programs and system programs. Types of registers: Data registers Address registers For indirect addressing For index register For segment pointer For stack pointer

7 Control and Status Registers
Program Controller (PC) – contains the address of an instruction to be fetched Instruction Register (IR) – contains the instruction most recently fetched Memory Address Register (MAR) Memory Buffer Register (MBR) I/O Address Register (I/O AR) I/O Buffer Register (I/O BR) Processor Status Word (PSW) condition codes or flags interrupt enable/disable user/supervisor mode

8 Instruction Cycle Start Fetch next instruction Execute Halt
Fetch Cycle Execute Cycle Opcode Address of Operand Instruction Format Sign magnitude Integer Format exponent magnitude Floating point Format Sign

9 Actions of CPU (Types of Instructions)
Processor-Memory Data Transfer Processor-I/O Data Transfer Data Processing Arithmetic or logic operation on data Control Alter sequence of execution

10 Interrupts An interruption of the normal sequence of execution
Improve processing efficiency Allows the processor to execute other instructions while an I/O operation is in progress

11 Interrupts - Classes of Interrupts
Program arithmetic overflow or underflow division by zero attempt to execute an illegal machine instruction reference outside user’s memory space Timer I/O Hardware Failure

12 Interrupts –Interrupt Handler
A program that determines nature of the interrupt and performs whatever actions are needed Control is transferred to this program Generally part of the operating system

13 Interrupts and the Instruction Cycle
Start Fetch next instruction Execute Fetch Cycle Execute Cycle Interrupts Disabled Check for interrupt and process interrupt Enabled OS Fall 2005

14 Interrupt Cycle Processor checks for interrupts
If no interrupts, fetch the next instruction for the current program If an interrupt is pending, suspend execution of the current program, and execute the interrupt handler

15 Program Flow of Control without and with Interrupts
User Program WRITE (1) (2) (3) I/O Program I/O Command END (4) (5) Interrupt Handler Interrupts User Program WRITE (1) (2) (3) I/O Program I/O Command END (4) (5) No interrupts

16 Simple Interrupt Processing
Device controller or other Hardware generates an interrupt Processor finished execution of current instruction Processor signals acknowledgement of interrupt Processor pushes PSW and PC onto control stack Processor loads new PC value based on interrupt Hardware Save remainder of process state information Process interrupt Restore process state information Restore old PSW and PC Software

17 Multiple Interrupts Two methods:
Disable other interrupts while processing one interrupt Assign priorities to different interrupts. Interrupts at higher priority can interrupt lower ones

18 Memory Registers Cache Main memory Electronic disk Magnetic disk
Optical disk Magnetic tapes Decreasing cost per bit volatile Increasing capacity Increasing access time Decreasing frequency of access of the memory by the processor nonvolatile

19 Caching Important principle, performed at many levels in a computer (in hardware, operating system, software) Information in use copied from slower to faster storage temporarily Faster storage (cache) checked first to determine if information is there If it is, information used directly from the cache (fast) If not, data copied to cache and used there

20 Cache Invisible to operating system Increase the speed of memory
Processor speed is faster than memory speed Contain a portion of main memory CPU Cache Main memory Word Transfer Block

21 Cache Design Cache size Block size Mapping function
Determine which cache location the block will occupy Replacement algorithm Determines which block to replace Least-Recently-Used(LRU) algorithm Write policy When the memory write operation takes place Can occur every time block is updated Can occur only when block is replaced

22 I/O Communication Techniques
Programmed I/O Interrupt-Driven I/O Direct Memory Access (DMA)

23 Programmed I/O I/O module performs the action, not the processor
Issue Read command to I/O module Read status of I/O module Check status Read word from Write word into Main memory Done? Not ready yes Next instruction no CPU->I/O I/O -> CPU Error condition CPU->memory I/O module performs the action, not the processor Sets appropriate bits in the I/O status register No interrupts occur Processor checks status until operation is complete

24 Interrupt-Driven I/O Issue Read command to I/O module Read status of I/O module Check status Read word from Write word into Main memory Done? ready yes Next instruction no CPU->I/O I/O -> CPU Error condition CPU->memory Do something else Interrupt Processor is interrupt when I/O module ready to exchange data Processor is free to do other work No needless waiting Consumes a lot of processor time because every word read or written passes through the processor

25 Direct Memory Access Transfer a block of data directly to or from memory An interrupt is sent when the task is complete The processor is only involved at the beginning and end of the transfer Issue Read command to I/O module Read status of DMA module Next instruction CPU->DMA DMA -> CPU Do something else Interrupt

26 End of lecture 1 Thank you!

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