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COMPURT ORGANAZTION CHAPTER 5. Computer Organization We can divide the parts that make up a computer into 3 subsystems : 1. Central processing unit (CPU).

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Presentation on theme: "COMPURT ORGANAZTION CHAPTER 5. Computer Organization We can divide the parts that make up a computer into 3 subsystems : 1. Central processing unit (CPU)."— Presentation transcript:


2 Computer Organization We can divide the parts that make up a computer into 3 subsystems : 1. Central processing unit (CPU). 2. Main Memory. 3. Input / output subsystem.

3 Computer System Component Computer System Central processing Unit (CPU) Memory Input\output systems


5 Central processing unit (cpu) Central processing Unit (CPU) Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Logic Operations NOT, AND, OR, XOR Shift Operations Logical shift operations, arithmetic shift operations Arithmetic Operations Registers Data Registers R1,R2….Rn Instruction Registers Program Counter Control Unit

6 Computer System Component Computer System Central processing Unit (CPU) Memory Input\output systems


8 Main Memory Main memory Consists of collection of storage locations, each with a unique identifier called an address

9 Main Memory  Data is transferred to and from memory in groups of bits called words. A word can be a group of 8 bits, 16 bits, 32 bits or 64 bits (and growing). If the word is 8 bits, it is referred to as a byte  16-bit word is referred to as a 2-byte word  32-bit word is referred to as a 4-byte word

10 Address space  each word is identified by an address. The total number of uniquely identifiable locations in memory is called the address space. For example, a memory with 64 kilobytes and a word size of 1 byte has an address space that ranges from 0 to 65,535.

11 Address space  Note: this is an approximation of number of bytes in the power of 10, but the actual number of bytes is in power of 2 to facilitate addressing.

12 To define an address We need a bit pattern of 16 bits First memory address: Address 0: 0000000000000000 Last memory address: Address 65535:1111111111111111 log2 N words of memory needs log2 bits for addressing Address space  Because computers store numbers as bit patterns, memory address also represented as a bit pattern. Memory addresses are defined using unsigned binary integers.

13 Address space - Example 5.1

14 Address space - Example 5.2

15 Memory types RAM SRAM Static RAM DRAM Dynamic RAM ROM PROM Program mable read-only memory EPROM Erasable program mable read-only memory EEPROM Electricall y erasable program mable read-only memory

16 Memory hierarchy  Computer users need a lot of memory, especially memory that is very fast and inexpensive. This demand is not always possible to satisfy—very fast memory is usually not cheap. A compromise needs to be made. The solution is hierarchical levels of memory.

17 Cache memory  Cache memory is faster than main memory, but slower than the CPU and its registers. Cache memory, which is normally small in size, is placed between the CPU and main memory.

18 Cache memory  It contains a copy of a portion of main memory. When CPU needs to access a word in main memory, it follows this procedure: 1 The CPU checks the cache. 2 If the word is there, it copies the word: if not, the CPU accesses the main memory and copies a block of memory starting with the desired word. This block replaces the previous content of cache memory. 3 The CPU access the cache and copies the word.


20 Input / Output subsystems  This subsystem allows a computer to communicate with the outside world and to store programs and data even when the power is off. Input/output devices can be divided into two broad categories:  Non-storage devices:  Non-storage devices: they cannot store information.  Storage devices: they  Storage devices: they can store large amounts of information to be retrieved at a later time. They are cheaper than main memory, and their contents are nonvolatile (not erased when the power is turned off).

21 Input / Output subsystems Non-storage devices Keyboa rd and monitor Printer Storage devices Magnetic Magnetic disk Magnetic tapes Optical CD ROM CD-RCD- RWDVD

22 MagneticStorage devices Magnetic Storage devices  Magnetic disk:

23 MagneticStorage devices Magnetic Storage devices  Magnetic tape

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