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Roots of Democracy Background information. Athens in the time of Pericles “First citizen “ Idea of citizenship and democracy began in Greece Pericles.

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Presentation on theme: "Roots of Democracy Background information. Athens in the time of Pericles “First citizen “ Idea of citizenship and democracy began in Greece Pericles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roots of Democracy Background information

2 Athens in the time of Pericles “First citizen “ Idea of citizenship and democracy began in Greece Pericles believed gov. should help the poor Male citizens could take part in the Assembly –lawmaking body

3 Roman Republic Headed by consuls w veto power Senate 300 men served for life Laws written down Eventually lower class citizens were allowed to hold office judges

4 Magna Carta Challenged the Kings authority Limited his powers Gave nobles a sense of security b/c they felt protected Led to more freedom for lower class

5 The Petition of Right 1628 Passed by Parliament King could not impose taxes only parliament could Could not be imprisoned unless cause was shown writ of habeas corpus Soldiers could not be housed in people’s homes (3 rd amendment)

6 English Bill of Rights 1689 Free elections for Parliament Allow freedom of speech for members of Parliament No excessive bail (8 th amendment)

7 Enlightenment Period Challenged the Kings divine right People had natural freedoms Challenged corruption of monarchy Great influenced our democracy People demanded a voice in government Demanded that government change to meet their needs

8 John Locke English philosopher People are born w natural rights: life, liberty, and property Governments job to protect these rights if not the people can revolt Declaration of Independence

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