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Qualities of a good Counsellor & body language. Qualities of a good counsellor (1) Collecting of ideas Think of an (imaginary or a live) situation in.

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Presentation on theme: "Qualities of a good Counsellor & body language. Qualities of a good counsellor (1) Collecting of ideas Think of an (imaginary or a live) situation in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Qualities of a good Counsellor & body language

2 Qualities of a good counsellor (1) Collecting of ideas Think of an (imaginary or a live) situation in which you seek for an advice (e.g: fear of being pregnant, rape, conflicts with boyfriend, etc.) What are the qualities of a good counsellor to whom you would like talk to? Write down the most important quality of a good counsellor

3 Role Play Bad Counsellor Observations Good Counsellor Observations

4 Qualities of a good counsellor (2) Apart from professional competence, a good counsellor must have personal aptitudes like: Active listening Real interest for the adolescents problem Patience Availability (have enough time) Discretion (keep secret) Life experience (testimony).

5 Body language Shiiiiittt! Na last time thiis, you ya! Try again, I go kill you. Schwiiine!

6 Body language - positive Leaning toward a Adolescent Smiling Presenting interested facial expression Maintaining eye contact Making encouraging gestures, nodding head

7 Body language - negative Reading from a chart Glancing at your watch Yawning Manipulating the mobile phone Looking out the window Being restless, moving Not maintaing eye contact

8 Thanks

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