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“Investing in Children: the UNICEF Contribution to Poverty Reduction and the Millennium Summit Agenda’’ Medium Term Strategic Plan 2006-2009 focus on reducing.

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Presentation on theme: "“Investing in Children: the UNICEF Contribution to Poverty Reduction and the Millennium Summit Agenda’’ Medium Term Strategic Plan 2006-2009 focus on reducing."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Investing in Children: the UNICEF Contribution to Poverty Reduction and the Millennium Summit Agenda’’ Medium Term Strategic Plan 2006-2009 focus on reducing child mortality

2 Medium Term Strategic Plan 2006-2009 2 Goal 1: Eradicate extreme Poverty and Hunger Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education Goal 3: Promote Gender Equality/ empower women Goal 4: Reduce Child Mortality Young Child Survival and Development Policy Advocacy & Partnerships for Children’s Rights Basic Education and Gender Equality Basic Education and Gender Equality Young Child Survival and Development HIV/AIDS and Children Goal 5: Improve Maternal Health Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases Goal 7: Ensure Environmental sustainability Goal 8: Partnerships for Development Young Child Survival and Development HIV/AIDS and Children Young Child Survival and Development Policy Advocacy and Partnerships for Children’s Rights Millennium Declaration (esp. Section VI) Child Protection: Preventing and Responding to Violence, Exploitation and Abuse

3 Medium Term Strategic Plan 2006-2009 3 Focus Areas: 2006-2009 1.Young Child Survival and Development 2.Basic Education and Gender Equality 3.HIV/AIDS and Children 4.Child Protection : Preventing and responding to Violence, Exploitation & Abuse 5.Policy Advocacy and Partnerships for Children’s Rights

4 Medium Term Strategic Plan 2006-2009 4 Young Child Survival & Development UNICEF’s work in the 2006-2009 period and beyond in support of MDG 4 on reducing child mortality. But this focus area also encompasses several other MDGs, including MDG 1 on reducing poverty and malnutrition; MDG 7 on the environment, through UNICEF support for safe water and sanitation; MDG 6 on Prevention and Control of Malaria; and MDG 5 on reducing maternal mortality, which UNICEF will support through joint programming initiatives with UNFPA and WHO.

5 Medium Term Strategic Plan 2006-2009 5 Young Child Survival and Development The 12 organizational targets in this focus area are: 1.Increase and sustain vaccination coverage to at least 90% at national level and 80% in all districts or equivalent administrative units, with particular focus on reaching population groups with low coverage levels; 2.Interrupt polio transmission in all remaining endemic countries and achieve certification of global polio eradication; 3.In all countries with high child mortality rates that are malaria endemic, increase and sustain to at least 60% the percentage of young children and pregnant women sleeping under an ITN in all malaria-endemic districts. 4.In 60 countries with high child mortality rates and/or with large numbers of child deaths, increase and sustain to at least 60% the effective coverage of high impact health and nutrition intervention packages with emphasis on families in poverty. 5.All high U5MR countries have country owned and led PRS – or equivalent national development strategies – that set medium term targets for scaling up high impact and synergistic maternal, newborn and health and nutrition child survival intervention packages and define equity based plans for achieving these targets, linked to medium term expenditure frameworks.

6 Medium Term Strategic Plan 2006-2009 6 Young Child Survival and Development The 12 organizational targets in this focus area are: 6.Increase by at least 50% the number of families utilizing appropriate care and feeding practices for child survival, growth and development 7.Increase by at least 50% the number of families with access to services and essential resources that contribute to young child survival, growth and development 8.All programme countries have an enabling policy environment for improved family and community care practices for survival, growth and development 9.Support the development and implementation of community-based hygiene improvement and water safety plans that lead to reduction in childhood diarrheoa and other water-related diseases. 10.Support progress towards Target 10 of the MDGs, through support to scaling up of adequately financed, decentralized, locally determined programmes consisting of a balanced mix of hygiene, sanitation and water supply interventions, focusing on poor rural and urban families; 11.Provide leadership with other key agencies on working with governments to strengthen sector plans, policies and budgets for hygiene, sanitation and water supply, and incorporate these into national Poverty Reduction Strategies, Sector Wide Approaches (SWAPs) and UNDAFs 12.Implement the CCCs for young child health, nutrition and water, sanitation and hygiene in declared emergency situations

7 Medium Term Strategic Plan 2006-2009 7

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10 10 Highest <5 MR Ranked Countries 1) Sierra Leone 2) Angola 3) Afghanistan 4) Niger 5) Liberia 6) Somalia 7) Mali 8) Chad 9) Equatorial Guinea 10) DRC 11) Rwanda 12) Guinea 13) Cote D’ Ivoire 14) Nigeria 15) CAR 16) Burkina Faso 17) Burundi 18) Zambia 19) Ethiopia 20) Swaziland *Source: SOWC 2007

11 Medium Term Strategic Plan 2006-2009 11 Evidence-Based Interventions in Africa % deaths preventable with single prevention intervention Bednets: 12% Breastfeeding: 9% Zinc: 7% Complementary feeding: 7% PMTCT: 6% HiB vaccine: 4% Clean delivery: 4% Vitamin A: 3% Wat/San: 3% % deaths preventable with single treatment intervention Oral rehydration: 14% Antimalarials: 8% Antibiotics: 6% (pneumonia) Zinc: 4% Antibiotics: 4% (sepsis) Antibiotics: 3% (dysentery) Newborn resuscitation: 3% Vitamin A: 0.5%

12 Medium Term Strategic Plan 2006-2009 12 2005 Reported DPT3 Coverage in AFR Jan-Aug 2005 & Jan-Aug 2006 2006 ND: No data Source: 2006 EPI Monthly report ND <50% 50 - 79% >= 80% EMRO >= 90% 59%74% 75% 52% 25% 63% 71% 70%

13 Medium Term Strategic Plan 2006-2009 13 GIVS Goal: 90% Reduction in Global Measles Deaths by 2010 (vs. 2000) 90% Source: WHO/IVB measles deaths estimates, November 2006 2005 50% measles mortality reduction goal achieved! 2010 90% measles mortality reduction goal

14 Medium Term Strategic Plan 2006-2009 14 Child Health Days Are a Routine Strategy in Many African Countries Data Source: 24 Jan 2007 revision of the Vitamin A Coverage database OnceTwiceFrequency: 2>=4# of interventions: 3

15 Medium Term Strategic Plan 2006-2009 15 Missed opportunities must be seized.. Africa has relatively high coverage of at least one ANC visit – yet many missed opportunities for high impact interventions and for birth preparedness Source: Opportunities for Africa’s Newborns

16 Medium Term Strategic Plan 2006-2009 16 ARV coverage for PMTCT is still very low

17 Medium Term Strategic Plan 2006-2009 17 Core Child Survival Indicators Child Mortality  Under-five mortality  Under-five mortality rateNutrition  Vitamin A  Vitamin A supplementation rate  Malnutrition  Underweight prevalence  Stunting prevalence  Wasting prevalence  Low birth weight  Low birth weight incidence  Breastfeeding  Exclusive breastfeeding rate  Complementary feeding rate (6-9 mos.)  Continued breastfeeding rate (20-23 mos.) Maternal Health  Antenatal Care  Antenatal care coverage  Delivery care  Births attended by skilled health personnel Child Health  Immunization  Measles Coverage  Hib coverage  DPT3 coverage  Malaria  ITN use  Number of ITNs distributed  Anitmalarial treatment  Pneumonia  Careseeking for pneumonia  Antibiotic treatment for pneumonia  Diarrheal diseases  ORS & continued feeding for diarrhea  Water & Sanitation  Population using improved water sources  Population using improved sanitation facilities  HIV/AIDS  HIV prevalence among pregnant women 15-24  Orphan school attendance ratio  % of children receiving ART  % HIV-positive pregnant women receiving ARVs

18 thank you

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