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INTRODUCTION TO PREVENTION. PREVENTION OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE  Primary Prevention: designed to be generic in nature and appropriate for a large target population.

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2 PREVENTION OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE  Primary Prevention: designed to be generic in nature and appropriate for a large target population.  Secondary Prevention (Intervention): designed to target individuals who are high risk and engaging in risky behaviors.  Tertiary Prevention (Treatment): intervene to arrest the behavior.

3 PUBLIC HEALTH MODEL  Agent: is any illegal or legal drug which is psychoactive.  Host: current, former, or potential consumer.  Environment: represents the settings in which the host and/or agent are found.

4 DEVELOPING INTERVENTIONS IN CONTEXT  Micro level: the focus is on the client’s personality, motivation, affect, biological issues and other personal attributes.  Meso level: the focus is on the radius of significant others (family, friends, work).  Macro level: the focus is on the larger society’s characteristics.

5 RISK FACTORS  Ecological …Poverty …Bad community …Minority status  Family …AOD problems …Parental abuse …Low educational expectations …Single parent home

6  Family …Unemployment or underemployment of parent …High levels of stress …Mentally ill parent …Socially isolated parent …Family instability (moves, rituals, absenteeism) …Family violence …Inadequate parenting

7  Constitutional vulnerability of the Child …Less than 2 years between siblings …Physical handicaps …Learning disabilities …Physical or mental health problems …Birth defects

8  Early Behavior Problems …Aggressiveness …Shyness …Hyperactivity …Inability to cope with stress …Low self-esteem …Inability to delay gratification …Cognitive problems …Difficult temperament …Hypersensitivity

9  Negative Adolescent Behavior and Experiences …Resistance to authority …Cultural alienation …Feelings of failure …Hopelessness …Use of gateway drugs …Early unprotected sexual activity …Lack of self-confidence …Vulnerability to negative peer pressure …Rebelliousness and nonconformity

10 POSITIVE FACTORS  Ecological …Middle or upper class …Adequate housing, good neighborhood, low crime …Good schools, encourages participation and responsibility …High quality health care

11  Family …Adequate family income …Structured and nurturing family …Parents promote learning …Fewer than four children in the family …Siblings are 2 or more years apart …Multi-generational support system …Few chronically stressful life events …Plenty of attention during first year of life.

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