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O NLINE C LIENT R ELATIONSHIP M ANAGEMENT Evi Christiaens, Céline Lytens, Claudia Parms & Dorien Tettelin.

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Presentation on theme: "O NLINE C LIENT R ELATIONSHIP M ANAGEMENT Evi Christiaens, Céline Lytens, Claudia Parms & Dorien Tettelin."— Presentation transcript:

1 O NLINE C LIENT R ELATIONSHIP M ANAGEMENT Evi Christiaens, Céline Lytens, Claudia Parms & Dorien Tettelin

2 Presentation Road Map Who is InstiCOM & what do we do? What is CRM & why is it important? What is online CRM & why take CRM online? Applications of CoRM Takeaways: dos & don’ts 2

3 Who is InstiCOM? 3

4  Founded in 2010.  Headquarters in Brussels.  Service mainly in Benelux.  Partnership with WorldCom Public Relations Group. 4

5 What do we do? 5

6 What do we do?  We take care of corporate communication & PR.  We build bridges.  We give advice on effective communication.  We optimize relationships.  We increase credibility & make objectivesachievable. 6

7 Our clients say… “No-nonsense and result driven communication.” – Ryanair “InstiCOM provides the airport with structural media attention.” – Brussels South Charleroi Airport 7

8 What is CRM? 8

9 Maintain, create and develop relationships with customers. Such bonds will drive your business to new levels of success. It becomes easier to identify the actual needs of your customers. 9 What do we do?

10 Why is CRM important? 10

11 Benefits of CRM Foresee customer’s needs effectively. Time to focus on each individual separately. Easy follow-up of clients and conversion intowinning deals. 11

12 Benefits of working with InstiCOM Efficiently keep in touch with customers whilereducing costs. Everything you need at your fingertips. Earn repeat customers and gain more business. 12

13 What is online CRM? 13

14 CRM vs. CoRM Users of social media ≠ customers of the organisation. There is no high level of intimacy between organisations and users of social media. On social media customer-to-customer communication happens on a daily basis. 14

15 15

16 Why take CRM online? 16

17 CoRM has two functions: Manage their own connected customers, X, more effectively; Convert as many of the prospects in the connected community, O, into customers, hence growing the size of X. 17

18 The 4 C's of CoRM 1.Connectivity 2.Conversations 3.Content creation 4.Collaboration 18

19 Applications of CoRM 19

20 20 1 Marketing research and public relations Following conversations is key. Why? It’s an easy way to get customer feedback. Consumers consider these conversations important.

21 21 One out of three Internet users says these online reviews influence their purchase decisions. Consumers are 65 per cent more likely to buy after reading online reviews.

22 22 What can InstiCOM do for you? We can: provide you with the right tools and information to analyse the conversations; derive a summary score for your brand; The Social Influence Marketing (SIM) score : give you professional advice on how to handle positive and negative conversations.

23 23 Carefully nurturing these opinion leaders can lead to positive results in your product revenue. 2 Nurturing of opinion leaders and advocates

24 24 An ad will achieve 30 per cent higher recall of the message if users see opinion leaders or their friends indicate that they like or have commented on it.

25 25 We can: offer you our tracking methodologies to find the right opinion leaders; give you the right advice on how to positively introduce your products to them. What can InstiCOM do for you?

26 26 Ask the community to create and upload their own ads. 3 Placing and creating of advertisements What can InstiCOM do for you? We can help you with your online advertisement campaign and make sure you increase the level of involvement of your customers in an appropriate way.

27 27 Your company cannot only get involved with customer conversations, but can also adopt the principle of collaboration. Ask your communities to assist in product development by soliciting ideas. 4 New product development What can InstiCOM do for you? We can help you with the creation of an online-destination website to obtain new product ideas from your customers.

28 28 Develop an online platform and encourage the more experienced users of your products to give advice to the less experienced. 5 Lowering the cost-to-serve What can InstiCOM do for you? We can: help you with the creation of this community of users; help you encourage the experienced users of your products to help others by giving them an appropriate reward.

29 29 Create fan pages or other brand-specific online destinations, so that users can get access to your brand 24/7. 6 Building brand loyalty and sales What can InstiCOM do for you? We can: help you create effective brand-specific online destinations; help you sell effectively though your fan page.

30 30 When your social media initiatives attract a lot of interest, your company should certainly take advantage of it and further publicize the news. 7 Amplifying buzz and visibility What can InstiCOM do for you? We can plan out a social media strategy and tell you what to do and when to do it.


32 Dos and don’ts 1. Invest big in online advertising. 2. Listen to consumer’s opinion. 3. Connect, share and collaborate with consumers. 4. Foresee an elaborate budget for social media. 5. Focus on traditional media. 6. Ignore bad comments online. 7. Avoid buzz. 32       

33 Q UESTIONS ? 33



36 Sources (1) Ang, L. (2011). Community relationship management and social media. Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management, 18(1), 35–38. http://www.palgrave- Bohling, T., Bowman, D., LaValle, S., Mittal, V., Narayandas, D., Ramani, G., & Varadarajan, R. (2006). CRM Implementation Effectiveness Issues and Insights. Journal of Service Research, 9(2), 184– 194. Hanna, R., Rohm, A., & Crittenden, V. L. (2011). We’re all connected: The power of the social media ecosystem. Business horizons, 54(3), 265–273. av-artiklar-infor-artikelseminarium/1.511411/Artikel-Wereallconnected- Thepowerofthesocialmediaecosystem.pdf 36

37 Sources (2) Fusion5. (2010). The Five Principles for CRM Succes. Included in: Infusion. p. 8– 9. Consulted on March 27 2015 for_CRM_Success.pdf The Management Study Guide. (2013). Importance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM). via 37

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