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3.25.2008 RSC An Overview of Fill-In-the-Blanks (FIB) Reliability Standards Farzaneh Tafreshi Manager, Reliability Standards Texas Regional Entity

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Presentation on theme: "3.25.2008 RSC An Overview of Fill-In-the-Blanks (FIB) Reliability Standards Farzaneh Tafreshi Manager, Reliability Standards Texas Regional Entity"— Presentation transcript:

1 3.25.2008 RSC An Overview of Fill-In-the-Blanks (FIB) Reliability Standards Farzaneh Tafreshi Manager, Reliability Standards Texas Regional Entity

2 2 RSC 3.25.2008 Regional Reliability Standards ●Any Regional Entity may develop, through its own processes, separate Standards that go beyond, add detail to, or implement NERC Reliability Standards ●A Regional Standard shall be more stringent than a continent-wide reliability standard, including a regional difference that addresses matters that the continent-wide reliability standard does not, or shall be a regional difference necessitated by a physical difference in the bulk power system

3 3 RSC 3.25.2008 Regional Reliability Standards (Cont.) ●Proposed Reliability Standards shall be subject to approval by NERC, as the Electric Reliability Organization (ERO), and by FERC before becoming mandatory and enforceable under Section 215 of the FPA. ●No Standard shall be effective within the Texas RE area unless filed by NERC with FERC and approved by FERC.

4 4 RSC 3.25.2008 Regional Reliability Standards (Cont.) ●The NERC Regional Reliability Standards Working Group (RRSWG) was established in May of 2006Regional Reliability Standards Working Group (RRSWG) ●Manage the development of specific regional reliability standards and the development of regional information for certain NERC reliability standards, based on the NERC three-year standards work plan

5 5 RSC 3.25.2008 Regional Reliability Standards (Cont.) ●The RRSWG group coordinates regional activities that are intrinsically related to the development of Regional Reliability Standards between the eight Regional Entities, NERC staff, and industry volunteers working on NERC reliability standards ●The RRSWG has identified 4 NERC standards to have FIB characteristics and has recommended to have four Regional Reliability Standards to be developed by each region in support of those NERC standards

6 6 RSC 3.25.2008 Intended Number of Regional Standards ●NERC’s 3 year plan (2008 through 2010) has listed specific projects to address various issues by grouping similar standards. ●Reliability Standards Work Plan: 2008-2010Reliability Standards Work Plan: 2008-2010 ●Volume III: Regional Reliability Standards Projects

7 7 RSC 3.25.2008 Fill in the Blank Standards ●Project 2007-01 Underfrequency Load Shedding ●Project 2007-05 Balancing Authority Controls ●Project 2007-11 Disturbance Monitoring ●Project 2008-04 Protection Systems

8 8 RSC 3.25.2008 Project 2007-01 Underfrequency Load Shedding PRC-006 — Development and Documentation of Regional ReliabilitOrganizations Underfrequency Load Shedding Programs PRC-007 — Assuring Consistency with Regional UFLS Programs PRC-009 — UFLS Performance Following an Underfrequency Event ency_Load_Shedding.html ency_Load_Shedding.html Status First draft to be posted for comments around April 2008

9 9 RSC 3.25.2008 UFLS Project Schedule

10 10 RSC 3.25.2008 Project 2007-05 Balancing Authority Controls BAL-002, and BAL-004 to BAL-006 BAL-002 — Disturbance Control Performance y_Controls_Project_2007-05.html Status The Standards Committee is seeking industry experts to serve on the Balancing Authority Control Standard drafting Team beginning January 2, 2008.

11 11 RSC 3.25.2008 BA Project Schedule

12 12 RSC 3.25.2008 Project 2007-11 Disturbance Monitoring PRC-002 — Define and Document Disturbance Monitoring and Equipment Requirements PRC-018 — Disturbance Monitoring Equipment Installation and Data oring_Project_2007-11.html Status May change to a continent wide standard

13 13 RSC 3.25.2008 DM Project Schedule

14 14 RSC 3.25.2008 Project 2009-06 Protection Systems PRC-003,PRC-004, PRC-012, PRC-014, and PRC-016 PRC-012 — Special Protection System Review Status No update is available at this time

15 15 RSC 3.25.2008 Next Step/ Updates ●An update on the status of all NERC FIB standards projects will be provided to the RRSWG at the March 26 meeting in Charlotte ●The regions will also discuss their regional standards activities ●An update will be provided to RSC at the April meeting

16 16 RSC 3.25.2008 Farzaneh Tafreshi Texas Regional Entity

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