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Extra, Extra!!. An “Extra, Extra!!” is an oral presentation that is made in front of the class.

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Presentation on theme: "Extra, Extra!!. An “Extra, Extra!!” is an oral presentation that is made in front of the class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extra, Extra!!

2 An “Extra, Extra!!” is an oral presentation that is made in front of the class.

3 You are going to help teach the class about things that are interesting to you. You can choose your own topic.

4 You will collect information related to your topic, organize it and teach others about what you have learned.

5 1.Prepare a written report. This may be written by you. It can be typed on the computer. You may ask someone to write down what you tell them.

6 2. Design a visual display It should show something about the topic you have chosen. Some ideas might be a diorama, mural, photo album, scrapbook, model, powerpoint, overhead projector, chalkboard, poster or a handout.

7 3. Give an oral report It should include lots of information and you should practice at home before you present it at school.

8 4. Answer questions At the end of your “Extra, Extra!!” your classmates will ask you questions. You should try to answer them, but don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know.”

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