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CMPS1371 Introduction to Computing for Engineers IMAGES.

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1 CMPS1371 Introduction to Computing for Engineers IMAGES

2 Images Images are considered as matrices whose elements are the pixel values of the image

3 Images Matlab has two main ways to represent an image that consists of M x N pixels: RGB or “true color” image: uses an MxNx3 array where the third index contains the RGB components Indexed color image: uses an MxN array containing integers that are the row entries in a “colormap” that defines the actual color.

4 RGB Color Image RGB: MxNx3 8-bit integer array M rows N columns RED BLUE GREEN Each in range 0→255 [215, 43, 62] Divide by 255 => [0.842, 0.175, 0.246]

5 Indexed Color Image Indexed Color: MxN array with values that index into an NCx3 colormap array that contains the actual RGB colors. M rows N columns3 256 rows 143 RED BLUE GREEN [0.142, 0.375, 0.846]

6 Reading Image Files Matlab can read and write data in most common image file formats: jpeg, tif, bmp, png, etc… A = imread(filename, fmt); reads file into an RGB image [A,map] = imread(filename, fmt); reads file into an indexed image

7 Loading an Image >> a = imread(‘picture.jpg’); >> imshow(a);

8 Image Characteristics Image (=matrix) size: size(a): 384 512 3 R G B 384 512

9 RED plane A(:,:,[2 3]) = 0; imshow(a);

10 GREEN plane A(:,:,[1 3]) = 0; imshow(a);

11 BLUE plane A(:,:,[1 2]) = 0; imshow(a);

12 Geometric Manipulation of Images Let’s rearrange the pixels in the image: << Left/right = a(:end:-1:1,:); << image(Left/right) Reversing the rows Original

13 Geometric Manipulation of Images Let’s rearrange the pixels to be upside down: << updown = a(end:-1:1,:,:); << image(updown) Original Reversing the columns

14 Geometric Manipulation of Images Suppose we split an image into left and right halves and then replace one half with a mirror image of the other Original

15 Splitting Code function Anew = splitMirror(A)‏ % ANEW = splitMirror(A)‏ % Splits an image in half and % creates a mirror of the left half [Nr,Nc]=size(A); Anew=A; c2=round(Nc/2); % find midpoint for row=1:Nr for col=(c2+1):Nc cx=Nc+1-col; Anew(row,col)=A(row,cx); end

16 Cute Dog Picture

17 Lake Scene

18 Collage Design

19 Collage

20 Image Arithmetic Adding ‘imadd’: Brighten an image Subtracting ‘imsubtract’ Multiplying ‘immultiply’: Multiply two images multiply image by constant: brightens > 1, darkens < 1 Dividing ‘imdivide’

21 Spatial Transformations Resizing ‘imresize’: changes the size of the image Rotation ‘imrotate’: rotates the image by given angle Cropping ‘imcrop’: Extract a rectangular part of the image

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