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VERITAS Observations Of M 31 and some results about my recent work 2015.11.24.

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Presentation on theme: "VERITAS Observations Of M 31 and some results about my recent work 2015.11.24."— Presentation transcript:

1 VERITAS Observations Of M 31 and some results about my recent work 2015.11.24

2 1.Gamma-ray emission in M31 M31 is the closest galaxy to the Milky Way. extend to 3.2*1degree^2, allowing its internal structure to be studied in detail. It has a gas rich star forming ring ~10kpc from galaxy center. There are two main contributors to the VHE emission from M 31: a. diffuse emission from the interaction of cosmic rays with the interstellar medium. b. unresolved point-source emission.

3 For diffuse emission, the emission is more diffuse and coming from regions away from potential sources. it will suggest that the emission is caused by cosmic-rays diffusing large distances through the galaxy from their sources. Since hadronic cosmic rays have a significantly longer life time than leptonic cosmic rays this would provide good evidence for a hadronic origin. Another significant evidence for hadronic origin is pion-bump around 0.1 GeV. For unresoved point sources. It could be regions where there are a number of potentially unresolved point sources, suggesting the sources themselves, or cosmic rays that are only diffusing a short distance from the source population, that are producing the signal.

4 Process of Fermi LAT Data six and half year pass7 data, 0.1-300 GeV. ROI=15 degree Fermi Science Tool v9r33p0 IRF: P7REP_SOURCE_V15 background models : galactic diffuse model gll_iem_v05_rev1, isotropic diffuse model iso_source_v05, point sources from the 3FGL catalogue add a point source at (RA, Dec (J2000)) = (00h 40m 53s.43,+42 15’ 02".0)

5 spatial templates of M31

6 Ralph Bird et al.

7 VERITAS Observation and results VERITAS is an array of four imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACT) located at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory (FLWO) in southern Arizona. Each telescope has a mirror area of 110m2 and is equipped with a 499-pixel camera of 3:5 diameter field-of-view (FoV) with an angular resolution of 0.1 deg at 1TeV Energy range from 85GeV to > 30TeV 54.69 hours of data are used


9 results of VERITAS observation


11 results of my work



14 spectrums


16 Thank you!

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