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1 備註: 若要變更此投 影片的圖像, 請選取該圖片 並加以刪除。 接著按一下預 留位置的 [ 圖片 ] 圖示以插入自 訂圖像。 Adapting Agile Methodology to Overcome Social Differences in Project Members Hitoshi Ozawa and Lan Zhang OGIS RI Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan, Zhang_Lan@ogis- 2013 Agile Conference

2 Abstract Different values Offshoring software difficulties - China Low quality deliverables High turnover rate Solve the problem - Agile

3 Introduction and BackGround Offshoring projects in China 10 years of experience

4 Sociocultural Differences Phenomena Values, attitudes, behavioral norms, beliefs, communication approaches Problems Rise to misunderstanding and misinterpretation of intent Results Conflicts, mistrust, underutilization of talents Subtle social differences between China & Japan

5 Sociocultural Differences Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Appearances Differences in offshoring software project Sociocultural Challenges Openness of society Difference in willingness to adopt new techniques and technology Differences in communication JapanChina Individualism- collectivism 4620 Power distance 5480 Uncertainty avoidance 9230 Masculinity- Femininity 9566 Long-term orientation 80118

6 Methodology For a example-- specifications differ between two countries An example – unanticipated difference Change over time Cannot change

7 Lessons Learned during WaterFall Methodology Common anticipated problem solved Geographical dispersion, different time zones and problems with difference in languages Except quality, why? Specification was ambiguous A culture difference in quality acceptance level Information sharing was insufficient Low motivation level in Chinese members

8 Adopting SCRUM Roles Process Adapting Scrum Result

9 Lessons Learned Continuously adapt roles and processes bases on the current conditions. Analyze and find factors concerning differences that cannot be changed rather than trying to find the reason for the differences. Don’t try to force to solve all difference issues. Try to resolve issues few at a time instead of trying to solve them all at once. Don’t give up.

10 conclusion increase the quality more satisfied

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