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How To Build A Successful Marriage

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Presentation on theme: "How To Build A Successful Marriage"— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Build A Successful Marriage
Ephesians 5:22-33

2 Introduction Marriages in trouble High divorce rate
Living together, open marriages Wrong impression of marriage

3 Foundation of Commitment
Missing today God’s plan (Genesis 2:18, 19) To last a lifetime (Romans 7:1-3) One exception (Matthew 19:1-9)

4 Foundation of Commitment
Keys to commitment Respect for God’s role for the husband Respect for God’s role for the wife Mutual tolerance (Matthew 18:21, 22) Understanding (1 Peter 3:7) Balance (Matthew 23:23)

5 Walls of Love What is love? Cartoon: “Love is …”
“Love means never having to say you’re sorry”

6 Walls of Love True definition God’s (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
Not self seeking Not easily angered Commitment to tolerance No record keeping of wrongs done Always saying “I’m sorry”

7 Walls of Love What about “love at first sight?” Appeal to passions
Real love grows after the honeymoon (Proverbs 5:18; Ecclesiastes 9:9)

8 Walls of Love Love holds things together Like picture frame
Walls of a room “Love is the tie that binds”

9 Roof of Sharing and Trust
Two lives in one (Genesis 2:18, 23) What affects one, affects the other Communication necessary (Matthew 18:15) Like prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

10 Roof of Sharing and Trust
“One of the things that bothers men is that they know women are no longer incomplete without them” (Woman on Donahue) This thinking is the problem

11 Roof of Sharing and Trust
Definition: “A firm belief in the honesty and reliability of some person or thing, a confident expectation, a charge or duty The worthy woman (Proverbs 31:11, 23) Marriages cannot survive without trust

12 Conclusion What about you and Jesus? Commitment to Christ (Luke 9:23)
Love for Christ (John 14:15) Sharing in Christ (Galatians 2:20) Trust in Christ (2 Timothy 1:12)

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