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#12 – Blended Families - Part III In Love for Life Building or Rebuilding a Great Marriage Mike Mazzalongo.

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1 #12 – Blended Families - Part III In Love for Life Building or Rebuilding a Great Marriage Mike Mazzalongo


3 Review Remarrying integrates 2 families not just 2 people. Care should be given to children’s needs, fears, and present conditions.

4 Parenting Someone ELSE’S Child Visitation issues Parenting another’s child INTERFERANCE REJECTION INDECISION Lack of experience

5 Stepping into a New Role

6 A New Model that Includes: Gracious Love “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. - John 3:16

7 Gracious Love – John 3:16 Fairness For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; - Romans 10:12 A New Model that Includes:

8 Gracious Love – John 3:16 Fairness – Romans 10:12 Attentiveness Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6 A New Model that Includes:

9 Gracious Love – John 3:16 Fairness – Romans 10:12 Attentiveness – Luke 12:6-7 Discipline and you have forgotten the exhortation which is addressed to you as sons, “My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, Nor faint when you are reproved by Him; - Hebrews 12:5 A New Model that Includes:

10 Stepping in from the Outside

11 Stepping into New Responsibilities

12 Attitudes towards the marriage Stepping into New Responsibilities

13 Attitudes towards the marriage Attitude towards self-worth Stepping into New Responsibilities

14 Attitudes towards the marriage Attitude towards self-worth Attitude towards life Stepping into New Responsibilities

15 Attitudes towards the marriage Attitude towards self-worth Attitude towards life Attitudes towards God Stepping into New Responsibilities

16 Stepping into New Relationships

17 Step 1 – Accept the fact that you are a “stepparent”

18 Stepping into New Relationships Step 1 – Accept the fact that you are a “stepparent” Step 2 – Educate yourself

19 Stepping into New Relationships Step 1 – Accept the fact that you are a “stepparent” Step 2 – Educate yourself Step 3 – Don’t assume

20 Stepping into New Relationships Step 1 – Accept the fact that you are a “stepparent” Step 2 – Educate yourself Step 3 – Don’t assume Step 4 – Set objectives

21 Stepping into New Relationships Step 1 – Accept the fact that you are a “stepparent” Step 2 – Educate yourself Step 3 – Don’t assume Step 4 – Set objectives Step 5 – Be flexible yet firm

22 Stepping into New Relationships Step 1 – Accept the fact that you are a “stepparent” Step 2 – Educate yourself Step 3 – Don’t assume Step 4 – Set objectives Step 5 – Be flexible yet firm Step 6 – Market yourself

23 Stepping into New Relationships Step 1 – Accept the fact that you are a “stepparent” Step 2 – Educate yourself Step 3 – Don’t assume Step 4 – Set objectives Step 5 – Be flexible yet firm Step 6 – Market yourself Step 7 – Exercise Forgiveness

24 Stepping into New Relationships Step 1 – Accept the fact that you are a “stepparent” Step 2 – Educate yourself Step 3 – Don’t assume Step 4 – Set objectives Step 5 – Be flexible yet firm Step 6 – Market yourself Step 7 – Exercise Forgiveness Step 8 – Learn to Laugh

25 God’s grace is what makes a blended family acceptable and successful.

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