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SCOOP Diane Patton. Ford and Automotive IndustryFord and Automotive Industry Financial Analysis in the Auto IndustryFinancial Analysis in the Auto Industry.

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Presentation on theme: "SCOOP Diane Patton. Ford and Automotive IndustryFord and Automotive Industry Financial Analysis in the Auto IndustryFinancial Analysis in the Auto Industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCOOP Diane Patton

2 Ford and Automotive IndustryFord and Automotive Industry Financial Analysis in the Auto IndustryFinancial Analysis in the Auto Industry TODAY’S PRESENTATION


4 Ford GT

5 Ford F-150

6 Ford Hybrid Escape

7 Street KA

8 Mazda RX-8

9 Jaguar X-Type

10 Volvo XC90

11 Land Rover Freelander

12 Aston Martin Vanquish

13 Annual Sales $160 BillionAnnual Sales $160 Billion 7 Million Vehicles Through 20,000 Dealers7 Million Vehicles Through 20,000 Dealers Diverse, Global Team of 350,000 EmployeesDiverse, Global Team of 350,000 Employees

14 MORE THAN THREE-QUARTERS OF WORLDWIDE AUTO SALES ARE IN N. AMERICA, EUROPE & JAPAN Millions 2002 Sales By RegionShare Of World Market North America19.9 Europe17.2 Japan5.8 Other Asia Pacific7.0 South America1.8 Rest Of World 5.2 Total World56.9 Europe 31% Japan 10% Other Asia- Pacific 12% North America 35% Rest Of World 9% South America 3% 75%

15 General Motors 14.8%8.3Million Ford11.76.6 Toyota11.06.1 VW8.74.9 Daimler-Chrysler7.84.4 PSA5.12.9 Honda5.02.8 Nissan4.72.6 Hyundai4.42.4 Other26.815.0 Total100%56.0Million Total100%56.0Million THE GLOBAL PLAYERS Share Global Automotive Market Unit Volume

16 Worldwide Light Vehicle Capacity (Mils. Of Units) N. America2120% S. America548 Asia Pacific2626 Europe2321 Row638 Total8125% Memo: China536% Japan1117 Korea427 Total (Mils.) Excess (Pct.) Proj. 2006 Capacity REGION 61 54 45 22 20 81 76 50 Excess Demand Excess Capacity (Pct.) 10%29%25% 19852001 PROJ. 2006 GLOBAL EXCESS CAPACITY IS AT THE ROOT OF COMPETITIVE PRESSURE IN ALL REGIONS 5 Source: Autofacts 2003.Q2 release

17 Ford and the Automotive IndustryFord and the Automotive Industry Financial Analysis in the Auto IndustryFinancial Analysis in the Auto Industry TODAY’S PRESENTATION

18 FUNCTIONAL ORIENTATION Marketing & Sales Manufacturing Product Development Purchasing Ford Credit General Auditor’s Office Corporate Finance Treasury TRADITIONAL STAFF FUNCTIONS

19 WHO WE ARE & WHAT WE DO Functional proficiencies Broad business knowledge Business judgment and insight Integrity Drive for results Developing business leaders OUR HERITAGE OUR ROLE Provide strong leadership to drive results Partner with operating management -- business and strategic advisors with a corporate view Provide high quality & timely financial information and analysis Drive to reduce cost of capital & ensure access to capital markets

20 OUR GLOBAL FINANCE TEAM – 4,300 STRONG NorthAmerica58% Europe26% SouthAmerica10% Asia-Pacific6%

21 GLOBAL FINANCE DEPLOYMENT Accounting20% Treasury, Audit, Corp. Staffs 7% FunctionalControllers’Offices73%

22 Provides Framework to Accelerate Early Career Development 3 Challenging Assignments Stewardship / Mentoring Finance Skill Development Visibility With Upper Management THE FORD FINANCE CAREER FOUNDATION PROGRAM

23 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AT ALL LEVELS Personnel development committees (PDC) at every level manage the development process Decisions made with input from employee supervisor and PDC to maximize career development Professional development of employees is a key responsibility of all levels of management


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