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Raising Aspiration & Achievement Strategy 22 nd March 2014 Name David Linnell OBE Title Chair RAAS Board Cornwall.

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Presentation on theme: "Raising Aspiration & Achievement Strategy 22 nd March 2014 Name David Linnell OBE Title Chair RAAS Board Cornwall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Raising Aspiration & Achievement Strategy 22 nd March 2014 Name David Linnell OBE Title Chair RAAS Board Cornwall

2 Aim is to ensure high aspirations for all children and young people

3 Strategy will focus on: Most able children and young people High quality leadership Performance of boys Closing the gap for vulnerable groups Developing school organisation

4 Sub-Groups Raising Standards Continuing Professional Development Parental Aspiration and Engagement

5 Progress so far… Co-ordination of aspiration raising events Internships for Year 10 Support for successful activities e.g. Greenpower Project to improve information, advice and guidance Greater involvement of businesses in curriculum development

6 Progress so far… Development of CPD programmes with universities and teaching schools Greater awareness of best practice A review of post 16 education and training A focus on aspirations and achievements Strong link education, the employment and skills board and LEP

7 Your role in RAAS and the Board Awareness Provide ideas and challenge Consider joining one of the sub-groups

8 Thanks and Questions?

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