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Words from everyday life in ancient Greece: Draconian Ostracism Laconic Spartan Meander Oracle Marathon Words from Greek Mythology: Iridescent Herculean.

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Presentation on theme: "Words from everyday life in ancient Greece: Draconian Ostracism Laconic Spartan Meander Oracle Marathon Words from Greek Mythology: Iridescent Herculean."— Presentation transcript:

1 Words from everyday life in ancient Greece: Draconian Ostracism Laconic Spartan Meander Oracle Marathon Words from Greek Mythology: Iridescent Herculean Tantalize Words from Greek Philosophy: Cynic Stoic Hedonist Eclectic Aesthetic

2 Using your knowledge of roots, prefixes and suffixes; word websites; and your partner, present your word and its origin Wed-Thurs. in class. Your brief presentation should include The Greek origin the word’s etymology Word’s Definition roots/ prefixes (if applicable). relevant visuals modern examples/uses two original, grammatically correct sentences with context clues

3 Greek goddess of vengeance, personification of divine wrath Gk. nemesis "just indignation, righteous anger," < Latin < Greek némesis literally, a dealing out, verbid of némein to dispense (justice) Nemesis is the name of two fictional characters in the DC comic franchise. Nemesis is the subtitle of a Star Trek film where The Romulan military offers the Imperial Senate plans to join forces with the Romulan military and invade the Federation. ORIGIN TODAY Etymology Relevant details/examples Definition

4 Example Sentences : Many Eagles fans would consider a Steeler’s fan their nemesis, since both teams are such rivals. Since math challenges me so much and drives me crazy, I often view that subject as my ultimate nemesis.

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