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EuropeAid/131555/C/SER/RS Communication to the public Ernst SIMON, Styrian Regional Government, Austria Belgrade, December 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "EuropeAid/131555/C/SER/RS Communication to the public Ernst SIMON, Styrian Regional Government, Austria Belgrade, December 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 EuropeAid/131555/C/SER/RS Communication to the public Ernst SIMON, Styrian Regional Government, Austria Belgrade, December 2013

2 Who has to be informed? Public Activities Substances Possible accidents Behaviour in the case of an accident Operator may restrict information for confidentiality reasons Competent Authorities (duty of the operator) Notification Safety report for assessment, to enable land-use-planning Modifications Internal Emergency Plan to enable to draw up the External EP After a major accident even no external intervention was needed No confidentiality possible European Commission (duty of the National Authorities) After a major accident meeting the criteria of Annex VI of the Seveso II Directive Several data concerning the implementation of the directive (number of establishments, safety report assessed, external emergency plan tested, how many inspections, …); according to a reporting form No confidentiality possible

3 Information of the Public Duty of the operator and/or the authority; requirements of the content in Annex V of the Seveso II Directive Name of operator and address of the establishment. An explanation in simple terms of the activities undertaken at the establishment. Information on the substances present, with an indication of their principal dangerous characteristics. General information relating to the nature of the major-accident hazards, including their potential effects on the population and the environment. Adequate information on how the population concerned will be warned and kept informed in the event of a major accident. Adequate information on the actions the population concerned should take, and on the behaviour they should adopt, in the event of a major accident. A reference to the external emergency plan. Details of where further relevant information can be obtained, subject to the requirements of confidentiality laid down in national legislation. How the information must be disseminated is not determined; it should be “appropriate”. Duty of the authority Safety report External Emergency Plan Land-use-Planning Results of inspections (on request, new in Seveso III – similar to Industrial Emissions Directive) Authority may restrict information for confidentiality reasons

4 Thanks for your attention Questions ??? Comments !!!

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