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Good Taste, Bad Taste Taste: the ability to judge if something is good or bad in things like art, fashion, and social behaviour. eg: They all admired her.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Taste, Bad Taste Taste: the ability to judge if something is good or bad in things like art, fashion, and social behaviour. eg: They all admired her."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Taste, Bad Taste Taste: the ability to judge if something is good or bad in things like art, fashion, and social behaviour. eg: They all admired her taste. Money cannot make up for bad taste and bad manners.

2 You can judge whether someone is a person with good taste or bad taste according to ______.

3 Structures Part 1 (Paras 1-2) Part 2 ( Paras 3-15) Part 3 (Paras 16-18) Part 4 (Paras 19-21)

4 Part 1 Your possessions tell your taste. Taste used to be the province of. Now has the opportunity to exercise his taste while buying things. an educated elite everybody

5 to keep up with the Joneses is an idiom which means to compete with one’s neighbors or peers, as in buying the same expensive new things .

6 exercise: to put into play or operation; employ 使用;运用 A doctor should learn how to exercise patience to his clients. 医生应该学会对他的病人运用忍耐力。

7 province n. Province : area of knowledge or learning ; a branch of thought, knowledge , or study considered as having fixed limits 学识范围 In [within] one’s [sb.’s] province 在某人的学识 [ 职权、能力 ] 范围之内,为某人力所能及的 outside sb.’s province 在某人学识、职权范围之外 in the province of literary criticism 在文艺批评领域中 That kind of work is not in my province. 那种工作我可承担不了。 It is not within my province to interfere. 这不是我所应当干涉的。

8 Part 2 What is taste and how to exercise taste? Taste is an expression of One should have conviction in his own choice, and make his surroundings and even his appearance more pleasing and more interesting by ( Paras6-8) a whole system of values of an individual positive acts of discrimination

9 Part 3 The trend of taste in the future. When there is greater profusion of choice and more consumers exercise taste, manufacturers will be required to. make better and more dignified products

10 Part 3 Rules of taste:. refinement, restraint, appropriateness and good manners

11 by no means 决不,一点也不 相关的其它习惯用语: by some means (or other) 想个办法:以某种方法 by this means 用这种方法 by what means 怎样 leave no means untried 想尽一切办法 live beyond one’s means 过着超过自己收入的生活 by all means 尽一切办法,一定;务必; ( 表示同意 ) 当然可以 by fair means or foul 不择手段地 by means 通过;用;借助于 live within one’s means 量入为出地 ( 生活 ) narrow means 穷困 not by any means 一点也不,绝对不

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