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Chunky Tectonic Plates

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Presentation on theme: "Chunky Tectonic Plates"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chunky Tectonic Plates
Or Earth is really chunked up.

2 The farther oceanic crust is from a mid-ocean ridge the _________ it is.

3 The area of the U.S. that has frequent earthquakes is _____________.
California or the West Coast or Alaska or Hawaii

4 3 things happen or appear at plate boundaries. They are:
Earthquakes, volcanoes and mountains

5 Mid-ocean ridges are _________ plate boundaries.

6 The Aleutian Trench is located at a __________ plate boundary.

7 There are frequent earthquakes on the _______ coast of South America.

8 The driving force behind tectonic plate movement is mantle ________.
Convection or convection currents

9 Coal is found in NYS because 300 mya, NY was near _____________.
The Equator

10 One piece of evidence for plate tectonics is: continents fit together
One piece of evidence for plate tectonics is: continents fit together like a _________ Jig-saw puzzle

11 The Canary Islands hot spot is in the __________ Plate.

12 Why does the oceanic crust sink beneath the continental crust?
More dense

13 The San Andreas Fault is between which two tectonic plates?
Pacific Plate and North American Plate

14 The circular arrows in the illustration are called __________________.
Convection currents

15 Which island is the oldest?

16 The triangles on this map may represent ______.
D A) Earthquakes B) Mountain Ranges C) Volcanoes D) All of the above

17 Which NY State city has the greatest risk of a major earthquake?

18 This diagram shows that the Pacific Plate is moving toward the _______?

19 The East Pacific Ridge is the boundary between which two plates?
Pacific Plate and Antarctic Plate

20 Which hot spot is not at a plate boundary like the one shown below?
Easter Island Galapagos Tasman Bouvet Tasman

21 Why does California have so many earthquakes.
It’s on a transform plate boundary. (San Andreas Fault)

22 Which location is closest to a major zone of frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity?

23 The hottest crustal temperatures would likely be measured at location ___?

24 Which island has the greatest probability of a volcanic eruption?

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