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Published byGilbert Perry Modified over 9 years ago
Click to edit Master subtitle style 8/29/11 Creating an active and winning nation SECTOR: Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation. 1st QUARTER CONDITIONAL GRANT EXPENDITURE PARLIAMENT PRESENTED BY: Mr. Ivor Hoff (CD: Sport and Recreation) 11
8/29/11 The presentation includes information on the following: 1. Mandate 2. Vision 3. SACR Strategic Objectives 4. Conditional Grant Goal 5. Structure of the Chief Directorate: Sport and Recreation 6. Budget Allocation - Expenditure Trends 7. Monitoring Capacity 8. Monthly reports 9. Business Plan/ Spending Plan 10. Budget report : Conditional Grant 11. Achievements 12. Challenges The presentation includes information on the following: Mandate Vision SACR Strategic Objectives Conditional Grant Goal Structure of the Chief Directorate: Sport and Recreation Budget Allocation - Expenditure Trends Monitoring Capacity Monthly reports Business Plan/ Spending Plan Budget report : Conditional Grant Achievements Challenges 22
8/29/11 MANDATE The mandate of SACR is to ensure access, increased participation and transformation of the Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation sectors in a manner that yields optimum social and economic benefits for all in the province and to promote nation building and social cohesion 33
8/29/11 VISION AND MISSION VISION Gauteng a home of opportunities for sporting, artistic and cultural excellence that contributes to social cohesion and nation building. MISSION “ We work in an integrated manner to create an enabling environment for sporting, artistic and cultural excellence, by: Facilitating talent identification and development in partnership with civil society organizations; Providing maximum access to sport, arts, cultural activities and library services; Facilitating and coordinating community participation in all identified programmes; and Identifying, promoting and preserving heritage. 44
8/29/11 SACR STRATEGIC GOALS The Chief Directorate Sport and Recreation contributes to the following DSACR Strategic Goals: To enhance the implementation of integrated and sustainable sport, arts, culture and recreation programmes. To identify, develop and nurture sport and artistic talent for competitive and major events. To identify and preserve heritage including the promotion of national days and symbols To inculcate a culture of reading and lifelong learning To preserve and make accessible the archival records of the province To contribute to the developmental state and good governance 55
8/29/11 CONDITIONAL GRANT GOAL To broaden participation in Sport within an integrated development continuum and Mass mobilisation project. 66
8/29/11 CHIEF DIRECTORATES The Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation has as one of its Chief Directorates: Sport and Recreation. This Chief Directorate is divided into the following Directorates which implement the programmes from the Conditional Grant received from SRSA: 1. Sport Development and Coordination 2. Competitive Sport. 3. School Sport 4. Mass Participation 77
8/29/11 BUDGET ALLOCATION The budget allocation for the three programmes are as follows: Siyadlala (MPP)R18,970,000.00 School Sport Mass ParticipationR18,970,000.00 LegacyR33,208,000.00 TOTAL:R71,148,000.00 88
8/29/11 BUDGET REPORT : CONDITIONAL GRANT PROGRAMMEBUDGETSPENTVARIANCE SIYADLALA R 18 970 000.00R 3 014 230.44R 15 955 769.56 SSMPP R 18 970 000.00R 3 291 149.00R 15 678 851.00 LEGACY R 33 208 000.00R 17 977 147.18R 15 230 852.82 BALANCER 71 148 000.00R 24 282 562.62R 46 865 473.38 99
8/29/11 MONITORING CAPACITY The finance section sends out a weekly expenditure reports and Open PO and Accruals Report to all Lines. Each Programme monitors their expenditure from the approval of the submission to the payment of the invoice.. The Department has started the process of Monthly meetings with the programme Managers to obtain feedback on the expenditure as well as the implementation of programmes. EXPENDITURE Most of the grant expenditure will be done in the second and third quarters as most of the programmes are implemented during this time period. 10
8/29/11 Reports The department does not transfer funds to local government for this programme. Programmes are implemented with the assistance of contract workers as well as sport organisations. The department submits monthly and quarterly reports to SRSA for the three programmes 11
8/29/11 SPENDING/ BUSINESS PLANS School Sport Mass Participation Programme (SSMPP) 12 PROGRAMMEAMOUNT Contract workers10,000,000 Revival of Leagues 2,500,000 Equipment & Attire 5,000,000 Structures 525,000 Operational 945,000 TOTAL18,970,000
8/29/11 SPENDING/ BUSINESS PLANS SIYADLALA 13 PROGRAMMEAMOUNT International Student 60,000 Contract workers 3,806,028.00 5 codes (netball, football, pool, athletics and walks, gymnastics and aerobics, 3,900,000 Events (indigenous games, golden games, disability festivals,) 2,000,000 Capacity Building (sport admin)2,000,000 Equipment and attire1,300,000 Local Structures300,000 Administration (Monitoring and evaluation, operational costs) 5,603,927 TOTAL18,970,000
8/29/11 SPENDING/ BUSINESS PLANS LEGACY 14 PROGRAMMEAMOUNT Club development 6,500,000 SA Games 5,000,000 Capacity Building R5,130,120 Support to Community Sport (Sport Council, Community Games, Ambassadors/ Legends Programme, Youth Camps) 4,650,000 Support to Schools (Lead Schools, Disability sector, Dreamfields 4,000,000 Minister’s Outreach programme1,660,000 Magnificent Fridays2,000,000 Administration (Compensation 6%, Administration costs) 4,267,880 TOTAL33,208,000
8/29/11 MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS: SIYADLALA OUTPUTSOUTPUT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTERLY TARGETS ACHIEVEDNO ACHIEVED (REASONS) Improved sector Capacity Number of contract workers appointed 153 Contract workers employed 1458 contract workers have found employment International student supported 01 Sustainable structures established Number of sport structures established & Supported 51 hubs supported51 hubs Supported Number of structures turned into CBO’s/NPO’s 05 Mass Participation structures supported Number of participants benefiting from the programme 336272 Number of communities receiving Equipment & attire 51 hubs receiving equipment & attire 51 Hubs receiving equipment & attire 15
8/29/11 MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS: SIYADLALA 16 20 Athletes from MPP participated in Comrades Marathon. The fastest male in the Gauteng team came at position 101 with time 6:42:59, 1:10:14 behind the winning male. All 20 finished the race. 51 Participants will be attending the 14th World Gymnaestrada in Switzerland. 24 MPP and 27 Federations. Golden Games planning with DHSD and in a process of signing SLA. Senior Citizens Fun Walk clubs /participating in fun walks/aerobics numbers are increasing
8/29/11 MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS: SSMPP OUTPUTSOUTPUT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTERLY TARGETSACHIEVEDNO ACHIEVED (REASONS) Improved sector capacity Number of contact workers appointed 372 contract workers appointed 335Resignations by school sport assistants Number of educators capacitated through training (Siyadlala & Legacy) 400Deferred to the next quarter, SDC directorate is preparing submission Number of contract workers trained (Siyadlala & Legacy) 500Deferred to the next quarter, SDC directorate is preparing submission Sustainable structure established Number of school sport code committees established & supported 15 school sport code committees established & supported 15 have commenced with the leagues (football, netball, volleyball & rugby) 17
8/29/11 MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS: SSMPP OUTPUTSOUTPUT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTERLY TARGETSACHIEVEDNO ACHIEVED (REASONS) Mass participation structures supported Number of Leagues supported 2 leagues supported4 Leagues have commenced in 4 codes of sport Number of schools supported with equipment & attire 500rescheduled to the next quarter Number of Learners participating in the programme 80000Regional & Provincial events postponed to the 2nd quarter, September 2011 Mass Participation program monitored & evaluated Number of monitoring and evaluation reports submitted 41Monthly, monitoring & evaluation tool to be discussed. Number of monitoring visits conducted 4 monitoring visits conducted 31 Mamelodi cluster visit was postponed 18
8/29/11 MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS: SSMPP 19 SCHOOL SPORT Currently SSMPP is operating in 313 Schools. 197 Primary Schools, 106 Secondary Schools & 10 Special Schools These schools are divided into 22 Clusters. Tshwane : 6 Clusters, Ekurhurleni : 4 Clusters, Sedibeng : 4 Clusters, Jhb 1 : 3 Clusters & West Rand : 4 Clusters The recruitment process for SSA & CC were successfully concluded. ADMINISTRATION : GDE & CLUSTER COORINATORS - Three Meetings took place on 20 April 2011,18 May 2011 and 22 June 2011. Term programme shared with clusters. A Stakeholders Meeting was held on 11 June 2011 School Visits to the following areas took place : Vosloorus, Ivory Park & Bronkhorstspruit..
8/29/11 MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS: SSMPP 20 STRUCTURES : Provincial Meeting was held on 14 May 2011. One on One Audit were conducted with School Sport Codes and Federations. Participated in SRSA Workshop with School Sport Codes & Federations. Ongoing meetings with LSEN Structures were held. LEAGUES : Leagues have commenced in Football, Netball, Volleyball & Rugby in the 15 Education Districts. Regional & Provincial Events have been scheduled for the next quarter. The revitalization of school leagues at area level has been the focus. SPORT INDABA A successful Provincial Sport Indaba was held on the 3 & 4 June 2011. This provided an opportunity for all stakeholder to engage on a draft School Sport Strategy.
8/29/11 MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS : LEGACY OUTPUTSOUTPUT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTERLY TARGETSACHIEVEDNO ACHIEVED (REASONS) Improved Sector Capacity Number of people employed as per 6% compensation 50The department is currently in the process of restructuring Sustainable mass participation structure established Number of sport structures supported 11 sport structure supported - Gauteng Sport council Mass participation structures supported Number of clubs supported 09 Mass Participation program monitored & evaluated Number of monitoring & evaluation report submitted 1 monitoring and evaluation report submitted 1 (1st Quarter report) 21
8/29/11 MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS LEGACY (SPORT DEVELOPMENT AND COORDINATION) CLUB DEVELOPMENT Through the Club Development programme assistance Parma Ladies Football Club from Mohlakeng in Randfontein has been invited by the Danish Government to compete in their annual Danna Cup competition in Denmark at the end of July 2011. The programme also assisted with transport for teams to play their away games during the 1st quarter The unit had consultation meetings with Golden Lions Rugby Union, SAFA Gauteng, Blue Bulls Rugby Union and Eastern Gauteng Netball regarding the further roll out of the programme and possible expansion 22
8/29/11 MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS LEGACY (SPORT DEVELOPMENT AND COORDINATION) CLUB DEVELOPMENT Con….. During the period under review we had several community engagement with regard to the electing of regional sport councils and preparations for the Sport Indaba as follows: 26-27 March Sport Indaba in Sedibeng at the Vaal Teknorama and the election of the Sedibeng Executive Council on the 3rd April 2011. Johannesburg had their sport Indaba on the 1-2 April and the election of their Johannesburg Executive was elected on the 7th April 2011 at the Danie van Zyl Recreation Centre in Claremont. Ekurhuleni had their regional Sport Indaba on the 16th April and elected their Ekuhruleni Executive on the 28th April 2011 at the Germiston Library. The Gauteng Sport Council was elected and inducted on the 7th May 2011 at Coca Cola Park (Ellis Park Stadium). 23
8/29/11 MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS LEGACY (SPORT DEVELOPMENT AND COORDINATION) CLUB DEVELOPMENT Con….. During the period under review we had several community engagement with regard to the electing of regional sport councils and preparations for the Sport Indaba as follows: 26-27 March Sport Indaba in Sedibeng at the Vaal Teknorama and the election of the Sedibeng Executive Council on the 3rd April 2011. Johannesburg had their sport Indaba on the 1-2 April and the election of their Johannesburg Executive was elected on the 7th April 2011 at the Danie van Zyl Recreation Centre in Claremont. Ekurhuleni had their regional Sport Indaba on the 16th April and elected their Ekuhruleni Executive on the 28th April 2011 at the Germiston Library. The Gauteng Sport Council was elected and inducted on the 7th May 2011 at Coca Cola Park (Ellis Park Stadium). 24
8/29/11 MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS LEGACY (COMPETITIVE SPORT) Hosted a Magnificent Friday at Eldorado Park with the following achievements: The Local Councilors as well as the community in and around Eldorado Park was excited to have the event hosted in their area, as they believe events like these should come to their localities often, as it contributed towards the job opportunities for the Marshalls as they were from the local CPF, the shops around benefitted as more people came out of their houses in that cold weather to view the activities taking at same time buying from the shops, as well as those who were mobilized from other surrounding areas, which talked to the local economic growth. The project enhanced social cohesion objectives as people from various ethnic background were seen to be dancing together. The partnership between the Provincial and Local government led to a successful event. 25
8/29/11 PROGRESS REPORT ON OUTSTANDING ISSUES (LEGACY) ISSUEACTIONS Shortage of staff in units.The Department is in the process of finalising the structure. 26
8/29/11 PROGRESS REPORT ON OUTSTANDING ISSUES (SCHOOL SPORT) ISSUEACTIONS Integrated plan between sport & recreation and EducationClear Memorandum Of Agreements Needs To Be Signed. Lack of budget at the school levelRegular Interactions With All Stakeholders School climate– Curriculum Matters A PriorityOngoing Meetings With Education. 27
8/29/11 PROGRESS REPORT ON OUTSTANDING ISSUES SIYADLALA (MPP) ISSUEACTIONS Capacity BuildingAudits done and trainning programmes selected. Logistics in working progress SLA with Football, DHSD & NetballDiscussions in progress with terms of reference Development LeaguesConsultation with stakeholders and all leagues will kick-off in August. 28
8/29/11 STRATEGIC CHALLENGES (SDC) Challenges Corrective Action By WhomBy When Federations do not submit their close our reports timeously as well as their business plans Consultative meetings with federations as well as one on one meetings ASD and DirectorOn going Federations not compliantAssist the federations with the relevant documents to fill in for their compliance. ASDOngoing 29
8/29/11 STRATEGIC CHALLENGES (SCHOOL SPORT) Challenges Corrective Action By WhomBy When Budget at school levelRegular interactions with all stakeholders SACR & GDEOngoing School Climate – Curriculum Matters a priority Ongoing meetings with Education. SACR & GDEOngoing 30
8/29/11 STRATEGIC CHALLENGES (MPP) Challenges Corrective Action By WhomBy When Municipal Facilities and halls by- laws & Tariffs are not supporting promotion of healthy life style programmes Bi-laterals need to be facilitated at National level. SRSA & HOD’s /MEC at their MMC’s meetings 01 October 2011 31
8/29/11 CHIEF DIRECTORATE PERFOMANCE STATEMENT The continued existence of the Conditional Grant and its role adds value to programme and project enhancement in communities though not easily felt or measured. The issue of inter provincial collaboration and alignment of certain programmes adds value to what is being done by the province and needs to be improved. Willingness by stakeholders and role players to collaborate with the department are encouraging though more emphasis is needed to reflect qualitative and quantitative achievement that are sustainable, build social cohesion and to economic benefit to the majority of our communities. The funding from National Treasury through the SRSA for providing the Conditional Grant that assisted in the enhancing of the mass participation, coordination and mobilisation projects. 32
8/29/11 THANK YOU 33
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