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Falling Diamond is a little game made with Game Maker. In this game you are an adventurer who search diamonds. But some fireballs fall and you must.

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3 Falling Diamond is a little game made with Game Maker. In this game you are an adventurer who search diamonds. But some fireballs fall and you must dodge them !


5 Game Maker is a software. There are many products : GameMaker Studio : FREE Studio Standart : 49.99$ Studio Professionnal : 99.99$ Master Collection : 499.99$ With the Master Collection we can make game for iOs, windowsPhone, Android, Windows, Mac OS, and the web ! GameMaker is for everyone !!! GameMaker allow you to create a very simple game and very fast !

6 A game work with events. ( An example below with the screenshot ) If character touch a fireball Show the highscore Restart the game


8 Maths is everywhere ! -W-When the fireball touch the floor, the fireball jump to a random position ( random X and Y ) -W-When the game end, your score is compare to give your position ( first, second, third …) -W-When the character touch a diamond, the score is increase to 50 ( score + 50 )


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