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Appeal to Coastal Commission Regarding 3435 Marina Drive as Approval by Santa Barbara City Council, Planning Commission and by the Single Family Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Appeal to Coastal Commission Regarding 3435 Marina Drive as Approval by Santa Barbara City Council, Planning Commission and by the Single Family Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Appeal to Coastal Commission Regarding 3435 Marina Drive as Approval by Santa Barbara City Council, Planning Commission and by the Single Family Review Board February 11, 2015

2 Rural Setting of this Breamar Ranch Area is its Natural Setting and Rustic Setting Supported by the Neighborhood




6 Recent History and Now Appeal to City Council of 3455 Marina => 30-foot view corridor through 3455 and 3435 home for public views from Marina. Lower committees denied this. Thank you. We return, again, for reasonable consideration of our objections, again ignored by lower committees that considered the neighborhood compatibility to be defined by four homes East and West on Marina, and not those North of Marina. Typical neighborhood representation used by Staff. Actual entire neighborhood with avocado orchards, horse corrals (5 horses/acre), open fences and fields

7 Central Location of Lot

8 Quote from Staff Report to Planning Commission “There are a few two-story residences in the neighborhood. Although the proposed house is larger than most others in the neighborhood, the residence could be considered to be compatible with the neighborhood.” How can this be a rational to approve the home? It clearly should lead to the opposite conclusion!

9 Familiar Arguments by Supporters of the Proposed House 2 nd floor hidden behind existing trees – only two King palms that block nothing! Design the result of ideal active participation of neighborhood and architect – only neighbors that support it were included: those East and West. Reasonable in size given nearest 20 homes – eliminating Hope Ranch and Sea Ledge (100 feet below Cliff Drive) it is the THIRD largest home with the SECOND largest F.A.R. where larger homes with larger F.A.R. are its two West neighbors. There are other 2 nd story homes in the area – three tucked away so as not to obstruct. A solid wall along Cliff Drive is needed for privacy because of parking at the view point – parking for view point does not include this lot. Arbitrary ‘string theory’ forces home to be away from Cliff and toward Marina – a more logical string theory moves the house toward Cliff and away from Marina.

10 What We Would Like to See Happen Recognition that the proposed house is not compatible with the neighborhood: – No 2 nd floor: we have petition with over 50 signatures supporting this – Move the building more central to the lot and reduce fill to lower the finished floor elevation – no longer needs to look over solid wall along Cliff. – No solid fences around the property including along Cliff Drive – use picket fence as do East and North neighbors

11 City View Park


13 Proposed house X X X X North Ocean X = 2 nd floor North Ocean Seen from MarinaSeen from Cliff Drive

14 Google Earth shows 2 nd floor has impact on scenic views all around




18 Size and F.A.R. Comparisons

19 20 Nearest Homes Used by City – includes Sea Ledge and Hope Ranch

20 Unseen from Cliff Drive behind shrubbery so not applicable Home in a very different subdivision shape so not applicable Homes in the same subdivision Original ‘string’ moving house toward Marina More representative ‘string’ moving house toward Cliff ‘String’ Theory Applied to house position on lot Bulk of house should be moved toward Cliff to be compatible with subdivison spacing ≈ 30’


22 Some Topography of the sloping lot

23 What We Would Like to See Happen – No 2 nd floor: Google Earth shows blocks public Cliff views of hillside and so many private/public views from North – No solid fences around the property including along Cliff Drive – use picket fences as do East and North neighbors as there is no public parking view parking – Lower the finished floor elevation by moving the building more central to the lot – no longer needs to look over solid fence along Cliff.

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