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Would you like a custom made Jeopardy game for your Classroom? If Yes, contact the webmaster and Shoop Academy’s very own S.W.A.T. Team will gladly create.

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Presentation on theme: "Would you like a custom made Jeopardy game for your Classroom? If Yes, contact the webmaster and Shoop Academy’s very own S.W.A.T. Team will gladly create."— Presentation transcript:


2 Would you like a custom made Jeopardy game for your Classroom? If Yes, contact the webmaster and Shoop Academy’s very own S.W.A.T. Team will gladly create one for you. All you need to do is provide the title, categories, 20 questions and answers. The S.W.A.T. Team will do the rest!! Enjoy!!!

3 GovernmentConstitutionBill of RightsAmendments $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

4 ConstitutionGovernmentBill of RightsAmendments $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

5 Constitution $100 2 year term 25 year old 7 years as citizen

6 Constitution $200 4 year term, natural born citizen, elected by electoral college.

7 Constitution $300 6 year term, 30 years old, 9 years as citizen.

8 Constitution $400 Impeach the president Tries the president Presides at trial

9 Constitution $500 These three things need 2/3 vote.

10 Constitution $100-Answer What is the House Representatives?

11 Constitution $200-Answer What is the president?

12 Constitution $300-Answer What is the Senate?

13 Constitution $400-Answer Who are the House, Senate, and Chief Justice?

14 Constitution $500-Answer What is veto override, amendment, impeachment, or treaty?

15 Government $100 Two passions that most people have.

16 Government $200 This first United States government was not very effective

17 Government $300 No branch is more powerful than the other branch.

18 Government $400 Each branch have different responsibilities.

19 Government $500 One branch can limit the power of another branch.

20 Government $100-Answer What are power and money?

21 Government $200-Answer What are the Articles of Confederation?

22 Government $300-Answer What is balance of powers?

23 Government $400-Answer What is separation of powers?

24 Government $500-Answer What are checks and balances?

25 Bill of Rights $100 This gives the right to bare arms.

26 Bill of Rights $200 This forbids you from testifying against yourself.

27 Bill of Rights $300 This outlaws cruel and unusual punishment.

28 Bill of Rights $400 Right to trial by an impartial jury.

29 Bill of Rights $500 No unlawful searches without an warrant

30 Bill of Rights $100-Answer What is the second amendment?

31 Bill of Rights $200-Answer What is the 5 th Amendment?

32 Bill of Rights $300-Answer What is the 8 th amendment?

33 Bill of Rights $400-Answer What is the 6 th Amendment

34 Bill of Rights $500-Answer What is the fourth Amendment?

35 Amendments $100 This amendment abolished slavery in 1865

36 Amendments $200 Equal Protection are the two most important words.

37 Amendments $300 These are two situations when you would not have freedom of the press

38 Amendments $400 The two clauses in the freedom of religion.

39 Amendment $500 The five rights in the first amendment.

40 Amendments $100-Answer What is the 13 th Amendment?

41 Amendments $200-Answer What the 14 th Amendment?

42 Amendments $300-Answer What is libel or threaten national security?

43 1st Amendment $400-Answer What is establishment clause and the free exercise clause?

44 1st Amendment $500-Answer What are freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly and petition the government?

45 Final Jeopardy People we learned

46 Final Jeopardy He was a slave that was taken to a free state and sued for freedom.

47 Final Jeopardy-Answer Who is Dred Scott?

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