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Discussion: Strategic views and ocean essential variables 10AM Organization and Charge to Breakout Groups At 2:30 or as time permits: 30-min Feedback/discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion: Strategic views and ocean essential variables 10AM Organization and Charge to Breakout Groups At 2:30 or as time permits: 30-min Feedback/discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion: Strategic views and ocean essential variables 10AM Organization and Charge to Breakout Groups At 2:30 or as time permits: 30-min Feedback/discussion about the program and/or the mtg Wednesday Morning Session 1

2 CLIMATE OBSERVATION DIVISION STRATEGIC PLANNING VISION, MISSION, GOALS DRAFT Climate Observation Division Vision High quality, sustained global observations and information routinely available for climate, as well as for weather and environmental services Unique mission of NOAA – what do we need to identify/preserve resources in ocean Climate Observation Division Mission To develop and sustain, with national and international partners, an in situ global observing system to monitor, understand, and support coupled prediction of the ocean, arctic, and atmosphere system; To provide long-term, high quality, timely global observational data, information, and products in support of communities of climate, weather, and ocean researchers, forecasters, other service providers, and users, for the benefit of society SHORTEN Wednesday Morning Session 2

3 Climate Observation Division Goals OBSERVATIONS and DATA Develop and sustain, with national and international partners, an in situ global ocean observing system adequate to monitor, understand, and support coupled prediction of the Earth system ; Observation and Information Management and Tools Support the development and wide-spread use off data tools adequate to ensure that the data acquisition, quality control, and data availability needs of users are met, for weather to climate time scales. Climate Information Contribute to the development and dissemination of observation-based data and information for users of ocean and climate services, including decision makers and policy makers. Wednesday Morning Session 3

4 Is this a potential scientific framing that could – Structure/integrate our activities? – Better define strategic goals and directions? – Make a better case for continued and expanded investment in ocean observing? E.g. With an investment of XX in EOV YY, we could [verb: increase/reduce] [outcome attribute: uncertainty/coverage/] of [outcome attribute #2, e.g. global, regional)] estimates of [outcome]?

5 Assess Your Favorite Ocean Essential Variable Proposed List: Sea Level SST, Ocean Temperature/Heat Carbon Air-Sea Fluxes of heat, fresh water, momentum Salinity Links to cryosphere density, stratification Ocean currents/transport, velocity, circulation ECVs? Oxygen on Argo, biogeochemistry, nutrients Address vision and goals Purpose/Applications: Societal challenges – marine ecosystems, sea level/coastal inundation, healthy oceans

6 Asses Your Favorite Ocean Essential Variable Proposed List: Sea Level SST Ocean Temperature/Heat Carbon Air-Sea Fluxes Instructions: Identify the most important variable for your activity– write it at the top Assess its “readiness” per handout by circling one level in each column: Reqmts, Obs, Data Mgmt/Products Identify a single “gap” (ie Reqmts, Obs, Data Mgmt/Products) that is needed to increase the “maturity” of these obs systems, and drop however many tokens you have into the appropriate bucket on the table Wednesday Morning Session

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