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LANCE Status User Working Group Telecom November 9 th 2012, 2-3pm EST Dial - 1.866.817.9414 Code - 3294426# 1LANCE UWG Telecom - 9 November 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "LANCE Status User Working Group Telecom November 9 th 2012, 2-3pm EST Dial - 1.866.817.9414 Code - 3294426# 1LANCE UWG Telecom - 9 November 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 LANCE Status User Working Group Telecom November 9 th 2012, 2-3pm EST Dial - 1.866.817.9414 Code - 3294426# 1LANCE UWG Telecom - 9 November 2012

2 Agenda Welcome Introduction to new UWG member Changes to LANCE organization Status, Actions and Accomplishments Update on AMSR-E Summary metrics Potential future Upgrades Ongoing Activities and Schedule Closing and Time-frame for next meeting 2LANCE UWG Telecom - 9 November 2012

3 Status, Actions and Accomplishments 1.Summary progress on UWG Recommendations from January 2012 13 completed items, 10 in progress, 2 will not be implemented, 2 not yet implemented 2.Transitioned to central User Registration System (URS) 3.New Products / Product updates MISR – still under evaluation NRL AOD v3.4 Near-Real-Time L2 products from MLS. Improved temperature and ozone (O3) in both quality and vertical range, and the new v3.4 NRT products now include carbon monoxide (CO), water vapor (H2O), nitrous oxide (N2O), nitric oxide (NO) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) data target release date for AIR NRT V6 (January 2013) 4.FIRMS Updates The FIRMS system has been running in LANCE since May 2012 Over 200 fire email alerts are sent daily to users in over 120 countries 5.LANCE data into Echo - prototyping MODIS ready to move to ops MLS – waiting for some firewall issues to be resolved 3 Progress since January 2012 UWG meeting LANCE UWG Telecom - 9 November 2012

4 Status, Actions and Accomplishments (2) 6.LANCE Website – Phase II upgrades ongoing LANCE Web pages have been re-designed to improve user interface and allow easier access to products. Content not yet updated. Key changes include: less text, more graphics, should be easier to find data/ imagery and product quality information Changes should be complete in December Now using Kayako User Support Tool Earthdata Wiki has interactive area for LANCE users 7.Data Visualization: Improvements to Worldview Color bar / legend incorporated to allow for better interpretation of images Imagery download support – should be ready for AGU (December 2012) 8.Plans to deploy GIBS for science data products 9.Outreach Near-Real Time session planned at 2012 Fall AGU LANCE poster submitted to GEO, Brazil November 2012 2 presentations at IGARSS July 2012, 1 at AGU February 2012 Invited oral presentations at ESIP and RS workshop in Chile Earth Observer articles 1 published, 1 submitted Poster at Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, July 2012 4 Since January 2012 UWG meeting LANCE UWG Telecom - 9 November 2012

5 Summary Metrics 5 LANCE UWG Telecom - 9 November 2012

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9 Potential Future Upgrades – MISR NRT product Update from Brian Krupp 10/29/2012 Science quality evaluation of MISR session-based (NRT) products are ongoing. A winds only product (no heights) has been generated to compare with the MISR standard product. The results so far are mixed. There is a need to improve the geo-locations for the NRT retrievals and thereby improve the winds results. There are work arounds and these will be tested. MISR NRT will be discussed again at the science team meeting in December. Among the discussion points are what interest people have shown in a possible NRT product from MISR, what progress has been made, and plans for further work. More test data will be needed at some time early next year. The science processing team agrees that MISR NRT products are feasible and possible within the necessary time windows. Some timing tests have been done. It takes about ½ hour to get L1 data made from the session based L0 input, and an hour to generate the winds-only product. If ASDC can get the L0 data by one hour after acquisition, they can product winds within 3 hours. Aerosols will be available somewhat later. If MISR can get the additional L0 test data early in 2013 and the testing goes well, they might be ready for NRT production by Summer 2013 – Daily rolling NDVI / EVI product Original request from Arlindo da Silva for dust emissions modeling Also useful for weather forecasting and agricultural monitoring A sequential 8 day product is currently produced for the agricultural community (servers housed at MODAPS) Algorithm could be run daily Effort: development costs will be approximately 10-16K and sustaining engineering costs will be approximately 2-4K per year. Additional Server approx 10K. The cost estimates will be refined during the requirements phase. 9LANCE UWG Telecom - 9 November 2012

10 Ongoing Activities – Website Integration: Phase 2 updates Competition December 2012 – Evaluating new methods to access NRT data Merging NRT and Science Search and Order Systematically support GEO RSS datacasting – Evaluation of new products MISR – ongoing, dependent on science team NDVI / EVI – Continue development activities on Worldview as they pertain to LANCE Investigate mechanisms and content for providing metadata Implement functionality so users can define custom subsets. modify the user interface so that areas with data gaps/missing data, etc.. can be discriminated from areas that have data. – Outreach to potential new LANCE users Working with NASA outreach to facilitate LANCE outreach at relevant international meetings Ongoing interaction with end users Articles planned – The Earth Observatory Blog, EOS, Crisis Mapping Flyer planned for AGU – Monitor AMSR-2 / VIIRS Educate users on availability of products from other interfaces and try to get feedback about any issues users have obtaining the data 10LANCE UWG Telecom - 9 November 2012

11 Closing and time frame for next meeting 11LANCE UWG Telecom - 9 November 2012

12 Background Slides 12LANCE UWG Telecom - 9 November 2012

13 13 Near Real-Time Value-added MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Product: MxDAODHD Developed by NRL and the Univ of North Dakota, based on MODIS Level 2 aerosol products. Level 3 gridded product designed for quantitative applications including data assimilation and model validation. It offers several enhancements over the MODIS Level 2 data : Stringent filtering to reduce outliers, eliminate cloud contamination, and exclude conditions where aerosol detection is likely to be inaccurate Reduction of systematic biases over land and ocean by empirical corrections Reduction of random variation in AOD values by spatial averaging Quantitative estimation of uncertainty for each AOD data point LANCE UWG Telecom - 9 November 2012

14 14 Fire Information for Resource Management System FIRMS became operational in LANCE on 5/1/12 Users can interactively view and query the fire hotspot data in Web Fire Mapper; download data as text / shape / KML files or subscribe to fire email alerts for their area of interest. There are over 6000 fire email alert subscriptions - 5234 English, 1198 Spanish and 85 French - Approx 2000 fire email alerts are sent daily to users in over 120 countries. FIRMS Fire Email Alert LANCE UWG Telecom - 9 November 2012

15 15LANCE UWG Telecom - 9 November 2012 Screen shot of Worldview

16 16 LANCE NRT Data Phase II website redesign - Sample page LANCE UWG Telecom - 9 November 2012

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