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WELCOME to ALL. INTRODUCTION Md. Akkas Ali Mondol Assistant teacher Chapra Govt. Primary School Tanore, Rajshahi. Md. Akkas Ali Mondol Assistant teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME to ALL. INTRODUCTION Md. Akkas Ali Mondol Assistant teacher Chapra Govt. Primary School Tanore, Rajshahi. Md. Akkas Ali Mondol Assistant teacher."— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRODUCTION Md. Akkas Ali Mondol Assistant teacher Chapra Govt. Primary School Tanore, Rajshahi. Md. Akkas Ali Mondol Assistant teacher Chapra Govt. Primary School Tanore, Rajshahi. Class: Three Subject: English Unit 8, Lesson- 1 Lesson title: Over, in, on, under,between, near. Date : 16/04/2014 Class: Three Subject: English Unit 8, Lesson- 1 Lesson title: Over, in, on, under,between, near. Date : 16/04/2014

3 Learning outcomes By the end of the lesson students will be able to- 6.2.1: talk about people and object with preposition. 5.1.3: read texts with emphasizing preposition. 8.1.1: write preposition from the text book or model. By the end of the lesson students will be able to- 6.2.1: talk about people and object with preposition. 5.1.3: read texts with emphasizing preposition. 8.1.1: write preposition from the text book or model.


5 Lesson declaration Today we will learn about over, in, on, under, between, near. Lesson declaration Today we will learn about over, in, on, under, between, near.

6 Look at the pictures and read the sentences after me. The umbrella is over his head.

7 The doll is in the box.

8 The lamp is on the table

9 The cow is under the tree.

10 The boy is between the girls.

11 The woman is near the tubewell.

12 Students loud reading

13 Students pair work

14 Look at the pictures, discuss, point, ask and answer in pairs Where is the umbrella? Over the head

15 In the box Where is the doll ?

16 On the table Where is the lamp?

17 Under the tree Where is the cow?

18 Between two girls Where is the boy?

19 Near the tubewell Where is the woman?

20 Over In On Under BetweenNear

21 Students,look at the prepositions carefully Over, in, on, under, between, near Students, close your eyes, again open your eyes and say which preposition is missing. Prepositions Over In On Under Between Near

22 Group work

23 Group A –Fill in the gap with over/ in/on Group B –Fill in the gap with over/ under/near Group C –Fill in the gap with between/ in/near Group D –Fill in the gap with between/ under/over A bird is ……..the tree. A girl is ……. a table.. A table is … a cat’s head. A flag is … Bongobondhu.

24 Assessment

25 Find out preposition from the following sentences 1.A hat is on the head. 2.The girl is under the tree. 3. A kite is over the head. 4. The boy is in class three. 1.A hat is on the head. 2.The girl is under the tree. 3. A kite is over the head. 4. The boy is in class three.

26 Good bye, students.


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