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Physics Argument Paper I To drop or not to drop?.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics Argument Paper I To drop or not to drop?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics Argument Paper I To drop or not to drop?

2 The Paper  25% of mid-year exam grade  5 paragraphs  12 point times new roman  double spaced  cover page with name, date, title, course, instructor name 

3 The Argument  Did Harry Truman make the right decision to drop uranium and plutonium fission bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki?  Starting point: follow online documents links to see papers related to “decision to drop the bomb”

4 Timeline  Day 1 (FRIDAY): Read anchor papers, debate arguments for and against, develop thesis  Day 2 (MONDAY): find secondary sources (min. 3), begin 1 st draft  Day 3 (TUESDAY): Work on papers  Day 4 (WEDNESDAY): peer edit papers  DUE DATE: 11:59 PM on the day before your mid-year exam at

5 Essay Structure  Introduction  some historical context  inviting  thesis is strongly stated, issue clearly identified  Body  logical order, maintains interest  three or more separate, excellent reasons stated with good support (citations).  evidence of careful research  Conclusion  arguments summarized  strongly stated personal opinion based on argument summary  Structure  attention to audience  creative word choice  attention to grammar, spelling

6 BCC Science Grading Rubric – Argument Paper Component210 Organization Intro. is inviting, states the thesis and gives an overview of the issue. Info. is presented in a logical order and maintains interest. Conclusion strongly states a personal opinion The introduction includes the thesis. Most information is presented in a logical order. A conclusion is included. There is no clear introduction, structure or conclusion. Thesis One thesis is given that strongly and clearly states a personal opinion and identifies the issue. One thesis is given that states an opinion and makes some reference to the issue. The personal opinion is not easily understood. There is little or no reference to the issue. Reasons and Support Three or more excellent reasons are stated with good support. Evidence of thought and research is abundant. Two or more reasons are stated but with weak arguments or little support. Fewer than two reasons are stated. Arguments are weak or missing. Little or no support is given. Audience and Counterclaims Argument demonstrates clear understanding of audience. Counterclaims are well stated and supported. Argument demonstrates some understanding of audience. Counterclaims are weak or not supported. No counterclaims are stated. Grammar, Word Choice and Spelling Word choice is creative and enhances argument. there are no errors in grammar and spelling There is evidence of attention to word choice. There are few errors in grammar and/or spelling. Word choice is limited. There are numerous errors in grammar and/or spelling.

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