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 Founded around 540BC in India by a royal prince named Siddhartha Gautama.  Buddhism doesn’t have a “holy” book.  Buddhism is not based on a single.

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2  Founded around 540BC in India by a royal prince named Siddhartha Gautama.  Buddhism doesn’t have a “holy” book.  Buddhism is not based on a single book. It is based on the Dhamma as told by Buddha

3  Founded around 50CE in Judea by Jesus Christ.  The Holy Bible is Christianity's main book.

4  Founded around 1500BC in India.  There is no founder  The vedas are the common holy scripture for the Hindus, but in Hinduism there is not exactly a text that is a must for the follower.

5  Founded around 610 AD in Mecca, present day Saudia Arabia.  The Holy Book is The Quran

6  Founded around 2000 BCE in Israel.  Have many holy books but the main one is The Toran.

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