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DA’EEN REFRESHER COURSE NOOR-UL-ISLAM. 10 TOPICS 1. World crisis and its causes 2. Pathway to peace and teachings of Allah regarding it. (Peace) 3. Proofs.

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Presentation on theme: "DA’EEN REFRESHER COURSE NOOR-UL-ISLAM. 10 TOPICS 1. World crisis and its causes 2. Pathway to peace and teachings of Allah regarding it. (Peace) 3. Proofs."— Presentation transcript:


2 10 TOPICS 1. World crisis and its causes 2. Pathway to peace and teachings of Allah regarding it. (Peace) 3. Proofs concerning the existence of God 4. What is the necessity to believe in God or (need to believe in God)

3 10 TOPICS 5. How to gain the divine knowledge or what are the sources of divine knowledge. 6. Need of revelation 7. What is the need of religion? 8. The need of the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet saw 9. Why it is necessary to accept ( or to believe in) the promised messiah as 10. Need of a Khalifa.

4 10 TOPICS O Note: this content is an extract, the detailed information of the content is available in the following books and also in our website ( O Da’een can also use websites like ( for more

5 SYLLABUS - BOOKS O 1. Commentary of Surah Fatiha by Promised Messiah as O 2. Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya O 3. Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam O 4. Hazrat Mirza Gulam Ahmad Apni tehreeron ki Rooh Se O 5. Essence of Islam (Vol 1-5) O 6. Jesus in India O 7. Hasti Baari Taala (Existence of God) O 8. Ahmadiyyat the true Islam O 9. The Economic System of Islam O 10. Taqdeer-e-Ilahi (The Divine Destiny)

6 SYLLABUS - BOOKS O 11. Anwarul Uloom Vol-8 (A study of visit to Europe by Hadrat Khalifa-tul-Messiah II ra ) O 12. Daawatul-Ameer O 13. Debacha-Tafseer-ul-Quran O 14. Islam's response to contemporary Issues O 15. Revelation rationality Knowledge and truth O 16. World crisis and the pathway to Peace O 17. Al- Fazal International; Instructions given to muballigheen by Huzoor-e-Anwar O 18. Our Creator O 19. Women In Islam O 20. Also benefit from the programs by Khalifatul messiah le & V th from

7 SYLLABUS - BOOKS O All the books mentioned above are available in our website( In need, these books can be purchased from Nazarat Nashro-Ishaat, Sadar Anjuman

8 1 ST & 2 ND QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON “WORLD CRISIS & THE PATHWAY TO PEACE” 1. Why There is Crisis In The World Today? 2. What is the Pathway to peace? Relationship With God And Acting Upon Its Commandments

9 NEED OF THE HOUR O The Crisis :  Economical  Political  Social O Different Standards of Justice O Emergence of Regional Powers & blocs O Increase in Hostilities & Enmities O Similarities to the period: Second World War O The world is at the brink of third world war O Weapons of mass destruction O The catastrophe of Third World War:  Nuclear Holocaust  Involvement of the whole world  Deadly aftermaths

10 Huzoor’s (aba) mission to save the world Huzoor (aba): The true representative of Rahmatun-lil-Alameen (saw) The only hope for the world Persistent on making the world aware of importance to turn towards the Creator:  SPEECHES on the most influential Platforms  LETTERS to world leaders The Book: A collection of Huzoor’s Message

11 WORLD CRISIS AND THE PATHWAY TO PEACE O SPEECHES delivered at:  The British and European Parliaments  United States Capitol Hill  Military Head Quarters, Germany  Peace Symposium at German And London Mosques O LETTERS written to: O The Heads of States of USA, UK, Canada, Israel, Germany, China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, France O Religious supreme leaders: The Pope, Supreme leader of Iran O Her Majesty, The Queen of UK

12 SOME KEY POINTS MENTIONED BY HUZOOR (aba) O Solution to problems of world lies within Islam O Just action between nation even to the enemies O Avoiding Greed for wealth O Problems of Interest based economy O Islamic teaching of loyalty towards one’s nation O Role of individual countries O Role of Muslims in the world


14 PEACE IS A CHILD OF JUSTICE O O ye who believe! Be steadfast in the cause of Allah, bearing witness in equity; and let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be always just, that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah. Surely Allah is aware of what you do. (ch. 5: v. 9)

15 GEOPOLTICAL CRISIS AND SOLUTION O The Holy Qur’an says: And if two parties of believers fight against each other, make peace between them; then if after that one of them transgresses against the other, fight the party that transgresses until it returns to the command of Allah. Then if it returns, make peace between them with equity, and act justly. Verily, Allah loves the just. (ch. 49: v. 10)


17 AGAINST REBELLION O As per the teaching given by the Holy Qur’an in relation to loyalty is that people should keep away from all things that are immodest, undesirable and that form any type of rebellion. O Loyalty towards one’s nation is a part of faith.


19 KILLING INNOCENTS O The Holy Qur’an has deemed the killing of one innocent person without reason akin to killing all of mankind. O Another vital injunction given to us by the Holy Qur’an is that the wealth and resources of others should not be looked upon with envy or greed.


21 JUSTICE, EQUITY V/S GREED, ENMITY, ARROGANCE O In the Holy Qur’an, God Almighty has made it clear that whilst our nationalities or ethnic backgrounds act as a means of identity, they do not entitle or validate any form of superiority of any kind. O Another requirement for peace between nations based on justice is given in Chapter 15, verse 89 of the Holy Qur’an where it states that no party should ever look enviously at the resources and wealth of others.


23 GLOBAL VILLAGE O Five Islamic teachings to establish long lasting Peace in the world:- O A true Muslim – From whose tongue & hands other Muslims (peace loving people) are safe O Never display pride and arrogance O Do not tolerate injustice O Suppress anger O Prohibition of exploitation of wealth and resources


25 ISLAMIC TEACHINGS TO INTEGRATE IN GOOD SOCEITY O Enjoins good and forbid evil O Lost property - anything good and pure O Fulfill rights of poor O Fulfill rights of neighbors O Fulfill pledges and covenants–pledge of loyalty with nation

26 O To do justice to “Inni Ma’aka Ya Masroor” O To read the book(World Crisis & the Pathway to Peace) thoroughly and repeatedly O To make the members of the Jamaat aware of the importance of the book O To carry Huzoor’s (aba) message throughout the country O To reach every intellect of the country and make them aware of the book O Above all, to pray for the world


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