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Some images are from 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Some images are from 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some images are from 2008

2 Mendeleev Periodic table The periodic table arranges all the elements in groups according to their properties. Horizontal rows are called PERIODS Vertical columns are called GROUPS

3 History of the Periodic Table Dimitri Mendeleev – 1869 “Father of the Periodic Table” Arranged the elements based on Density Chemical properties Atomic mass Henry Moseley - Arranged the elements based on Atomic number CURRENTLY ARRANGED IN THIS MANNER

4 Metals Non-Metals

5 Where are the metals located on the periodic table?

6 Properties of Metals Shiny Conduct heat & electricity Malleable (bendable) Ductile (can be bent into wires) Mostly solids(exception: Mercury) Located in Groups 1-12 Family names include: Alkali Metals, Alakaline Earth Metals& Transition Metals

7 Where are the nonmetals located on the periodic table?

8 Properties of Non-Metals Brittle Can be solids, liquids, and are mostly Gases Do not conduct heat & electricity Located in Groups 13-18 Family names include: Halogens & Noble Gases

9 Families on the Periodic Table Elements on the periodic table can be grouped into families bases on their chemical properties. Each family has a specific name to differentiate it from the other families in the periodic table. Elements in each family react differently with other elements.

10 ALKALI METALS Group 1 1 valence electron Reacts explosively with water Shiny, silver, soft Image:

11 ALKALINE EARTH METALS Group 2 2 valence electrons Reacts with water Conductive

12 Halogens (Halides) Group 7 7 valence electrons Non-metals Corrosive Used for salts

13 Noble Gases Group 8 Colorless Odorless Tasteless Inert (non-reactive)

14 TRANSITION METALS Groups in the middle Not the most reactive reactivity High conductivity Not radioactive

15 Inner Transition Metals Some Radioactive Silver, silvery- white, or gray metals. Conduct electricity

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