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Talend MDM Web User Interface – Levels of customization

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1 Talend MDM Web User Interface – Levels of customization
2015 – November – based on 6.0 version

2 WebUI Presentation © Tale nd 2013

3 Talend MDM – Web UI Talend MDM WebUI is where business users and data stewards can search, display or edit master data handled by the Talend Studio. Users of Talend MDM Web User Interface can carry out any manual intervention necessary to make sure that the master data is clean, consistent, and accurate. Talend MDM Web UI brings all the tools to manage shared data, eliminate redundancy, and create the "single version of the truth." © Talend 2013

4 Talend MDM – Web UI Data Models & Data Containers Menu Items browser
Entity display © Talend 2013

5 Talend MDM – Web UI Master Data is displayed in the Web UI with an Active Data Model Enables CRUD operations on objects Item’s view is dynamically generated according to the Data Model No dedicated UI design phase in the project Controls on the data are directly implemented in the model Fields can be enriched with new labels, documentation… Easy management of Foreign Keys Entity display is the very representation of the Model Role-based security in the UI, up to a field-level Enables to set Read-Only access on fields No access on critical data, depending on the role © Talend 2013

6 Talend MDM – Web UI Entity browser can be enriched to help the Steward
Labels Tooltips (Documentation) Breaking into separate tabs Foreign key resolution Foreign key filters Tabs Attributes Doc © Talend 2013

7 UI Customization © Tale nd 2013

8 Talend MDM – User Interface
There are five levels of Talend MDM UI customization, from the most standard to the most customized Standard UI is automatically generated from the Data Model Custom Layout Extension of Standard UI, with a different layout (columns layout) Smart View Entity transformation to generate a custom HTML pqge BPM Custom forms generation using the embedded BPM tool Technical MDM API Enables to create a fully-customized UI, based on the open technical API of Talend MDM © Talend 2013

9 General Layout The general Layout can be easily customized with customer graphical policy using CSS and HTML. © Talend 2013

10 Talend MDM – Custom Layouts
A GUI in the Studio enables to create Custom Layouts This is basically the Standard Interface, with a custom tabular layout © Talend 2013

11 Talend MDM – Custom Layouts
Custom Layouts enable to show more data using less screen real-estate Rearrange by column Change fields order appearance © Talend 2013

12 Talend MDM – Smart Views
Used for more advanced master data display requirements It is an entity transformation that enables to create a custom HTML page JS/CSS/External resources can be used. It is easy to create a static, read-only display with Smart Views Creating an editable display is much more expensive A button enables to switch back to the standard UI © Talend 2013

13 Talend MDM – Smart Views
Example © Talend 2013

14 Talend MDM – Smart Views
Example (using custom JavaScript to display hierarchies) © Talend 2013

15 Talend MDM – BPM BPM Talend MDM embeds a complete BPM Solution : Bonita Bonita enables the creation workflows having Custom Forms Workflows can be integrated in Talend MDM UI, or displayed in a standalone portal (Bonita User Experience) This requires some Java / Groovy knowledge, to set up MDM & Workflow interaction © Talend 2013

16 Talend MDM – BPM (Forms)
Example © Talend 2013

17 Talend MDM – BPM (Forms)
Look & Feels © Talend 2013

18 Formulaires personnalisés
Workflows Formulaires personnalisés Il est possible de modifier l’apparence des formulaires de workflows pour coller à une charte graphique

19 Talend MDM – Technical API
Talend MDM relies on an open technical API Based on SOAP & REST WebServices Compliant with open standards This API enables to create a fully custom UI, on top of it Low-level operations on Master Data Custom Master Data Services With Talend ESB, it is possible to create a custom API Higher-level operations, more business oriented Enables to create an abstraction layer on top of MDM API © Talend 2013

20 MDM API: Customizing the User Experience with the API and MDM Query language
MDM data can be queried, inserted, updated of deleted through JSON-style full query language MDM query language includes fuzzy search with combined search predicates and sophisticated features such as on the fly snapshot of a record in the past. MDM data can be queried, inserted, updated od deleted through JSON-style full query language with combined search predicates and sophisticated features such as on the fly snapshot of a record in the past. MDM data can be easily consumed by any application through a REST API with interactive documentation and automatic generation of the code needed to consume it. Create your own MDM enabled applications to embed your master data in enterprise applications, web and mobile apps, and access your Master Data management as a self-service through custom applications.

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