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RH Commodity Security in Uganda: Perspectives of Ministry of Health Anthony K Mbonye (PhD) Assistant Commissioner, Health Services (RH Division) RH Supplies.

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Presentation on theme: "RH Commodity Security in Uganda: Perspectives of Ministry of Health Anthony K Mbonye (PhD) Assistant Commissioner, Health Services (RH Division) RH Supplies."— Presentation transcript:

1 RH Commodity Security in Uganda: Perspectives of Ministry of Health Anthony K Mbonye (PhD) Assistant Commissioner, Health Services (RH Division) RH Supplies Coalition Meeting. London, United Kingdom June 4, 2009

2 Trends of Reproductive health in Uganda

3 Policy environment National health Policy Health sector strategic Plan Reproductive Health policy Guidelines Reproductive health commodity strategy National development plan

4 Successes 1. Gained government’s commitment for RH supplies a. Established a functional budget line for RH commodities. b. Negotiated for increased budget allocation for RH supplies. 2. Joined the Global RH Supplies Coalition LLY MUGUMYA

5 Successes Cont’ 2. Established a coordinated procurement planning : Develop annual Contraceptive Procurement Tables and review them on bi-annual basis. Regularly track progress on Contraceptive Procurement Tables commitments from Government and donors/development partners. Established a functional condom testing Unit 3. Developed national strategies that support RHCS: Roadmap for Accelerating Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality 5-Year costed RHCS Strategic Plan, which include misoprostol for Post partum hemorrhage Developed draft Operational Plan for re-introduction of female condoms. Developed guidelines for distribution/supply of contraceptives to the private sector (e.g. RHC in Essential Medicines List) LLY MUGUMYA

6 Successes Cont’ 4. Developed functional coordination structures for RHCS at national, district and facility levels. a. National RHCS Committee which links with Medicines Procurement and Management Technical Working Group; b. Incorporated RHCS into medicine and Therapeutic Committees at District, Hospital and Health Sub-District levels; 5. Developed system for warehousing & distribution. a. Integrated ordering & distribution of RH commodities with other Essential Medicines List b. Developed guideline for distribution of RH commodities to CSOs, and regularly support the distribution to CSOs.

7 Challenges Increasing funding gap for RHC supplies

8 Challenge Heavy dependence on donor support

9 Challenges Cont’ 5. Poor adherence to Contraceptive Procurement Tables schedules by donors and government that affects availability of RH commodities. 6. Post shipment condom testing increasing costs 7. Demand for branded condoms 8. Weak capacity for supply chain management, especially National Medical Stores & within districts

10 Opportunities 1. Growing support within parliament and Ministry of Health to prioritize RH in general and RH commodities in particular. 2. Conducive policy environment: Roadmap, RHCS Strategic Plan, and planned review of the Public procurement and Disposal Authority etc 3. Joining of the Global RH Supplies Coalition.

11 Acknowledgements: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA); Population Secretariat, Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development Department for International Development (DFID) Ministry of Health, RH Division.

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