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© Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved.

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2 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved







9 ElmoCookieMonster BigBird Round 1Round 2 Final Jeopardy

10 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved Money Money Money $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Score Final Jep Rd 2 Fiscal Policy Monetary Policy Econ 101 The FED

11 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 A substance that serves as a medium of exchange

12 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 Scores What is money?

13 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Accepted by all parties as payment for goods and services

14 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Scores What is medium of exchange?

15 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 Must be easily transferred or ?

16 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 Scores What is portable?

17 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 Allows purchasing power to be saved until needed

18 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 Scores What is store of value?

19 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 Money must be able to be broken down into smaller units or must be?

20 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 Scores What is divisible?

21 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 Who makes fiscal policy?

22 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 Scores What is Congress?

23 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Fiscal policy can do what two things?

24 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Scores What is spend or tax?

25 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 Act that committed itself to accept some responsibility for the general level of employment and prices.

26 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 Scores What is the Employment Act of 1946?

27 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 A(n) ________fiscal policy would show a shift to the left in the economy's AD curve.

28 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 Scores What is contractionary?

29 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 An appropriate fiscal action for a severe recession is ?

30 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 Scores What is a decrease in tax OR an increase in spending OR expansionary policy?

31 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 Who is responsible for creating monetary policy?

32 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 Scores What is the FED or FOMC?

33 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 The value or formula for the money multiplier is ?

34 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Scores What is 1 / rr?

35 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 The greater the legal reserve ratio, the __ the money multiplier.

36 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 Scores What is lower the money multiplier?

37 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 If the FED buys bonds, what will happen to the money supply?

38 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 Scores What is increase?

39 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 What type of monetary policy lowers the interest rate?

40 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 Scores What is easy money policy?

41 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 There are ____members of the Board of Governors.

42 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 Scores What is 7?

43 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Important function of the ___ is to provide facilities to collect and clear checks.

44 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Scores What is Federal Reserve Bank?

45 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 Savings & Loans and credit unions are considered ?

46 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 Scores What is a thrift or thrift institution?

47 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 Body that sets the discount rate

48 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 Scores What is the FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee)?

49 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 The voting members of the FOMC always includes the BoG and the president of what federal reserve bank ?

50 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 Scores What is the New York Fed Bank President?

51 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 Rate charged by banks for overnight loans to other banks

52 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 Scores What is the Fed Funds Rate?

53 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Unemployment compensation and an automatic increase in income tax are considered

54 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Scores What is built in stabilizers OR automatic fiscal policy?

55 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 The paper money used in the US is a ____ Note.

56 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 Scores What is Federal Reserve Note?

57 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 Savings accounts are included in

58 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 Scores What is M2?

59 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 Assume we are in a recession. What should Congress do AND what should the FED do?

60 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 Scores What is decrease taxes or increase spending AND buy bonds, lower interest rates or the reserve requirement?

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