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Perpetual Visualization of Particle Motion and Fluid Flow Presented by Tsui Mei Chang.

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Presentation on theme: "Perpetual Visualization of Particle Motion and Fluid Flow Presented by Tsui Mei Chang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perpetual Visualization of Particle Motion and Fluid Flow Presented by Tsui Mei Chang

2 Objectives Definition of fluid Introduction of particle systems Free Form Mesh Cell

3 Fluids Known as a gas, liquid, or plasma Physical phenomena that are well suited to particle system modeling Specifically interested in motion

4 Fluids in Motion Represent more realistic scenes Simulation Navier-Stokes equations Graphically fluid motion is more broadly defined and not limited to physical definition Cloth, hair, flocking

5 Navier-Stokes Equations Conservation of Mass Change in velocity field

6 Particle Systems Collection of particles Useful for objects that obey the laws of physics Individually store physical characteristics and rendering attributes Track particles separately

7 Free Form Particle movement independent of other particles Subject to external forces Well suited to randomized lifetimes Simplified force equations Examples: Fireworks, sparklers, fountains

8 Mesh Particles form the vertices of a grid, connected or not Captures affect of external and internal forces Spring forces Time and space trade off Examples: Flags, surface tracing

9 “Free form” Cell Combines freedom of random particles and internal forces of mesh Track only particles in a specific cell Internal forces from particles in cell and adjacent cells Examples: Smoke, rivers, contained liquids

10 Addition Algorithms Collisions: detection and response Moving around Objects State change

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