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CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Overview of the Internet Session One.

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1 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Overview of the Internet Session One

2 Objectives Describe the Internet and its history; and explain how to access the Internet Describe the WWW in context of hypertext and hypermedia Distinguish between a Web server and a Web client

3 Objectives Distinguish between HTTP and HTML Use a browser to access the WWW Define a URL and give specific examples Describe how to enter a URL address in a browser

4 Objectives Define a hyperlink Explain why hyperlinks within a document appear in two different colors Describe the various buttons on a browser Explain how to create a bookmark

5 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators A network can be considered to be any two computers connected so that they can exchange information between each other

6 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators A network can be made up of many computers that are all able to exchange information with one another As long as a way exists to connect computers so they can exchange information a network exists

7 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Not only can computers be connected to make up a network, but networks can also be connected together through the use of bridges or gateways which allow networks to exchange information thus creating a network of networks

8 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators The Internet is a network of networks It is a giant network made up of smaller networks

9 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators The internet is a network of networks that connects computers across the country and around the world

10 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators In the United States, the government sponsored NSFnet (National Science Foundation network) provides a major backbone for the Internet by using major long-distance telephone carriers

11 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators The important thing to note is that any given computer is capable of exchanging information with any other computer that is connected to the Internet Internet connections are based on some variation of the client/server relationship

12 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators This relationship works due to three major components: Telecommunications Connection - your computer (client) will be connected to the server via telecommunications hardware and software setup

13 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Server - a program that offers a service - computers on the Internet run servers to offer services - a user invokes a client program on their computer; the client contacts a server on a remote computer

14 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Client - a requesting program that uses the Internet to contact a remote server

15 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators The Internet is an instantaneous communications channel that allows two or more computers, people, etc. to exchange information, ideas, or anything else that can be sent electronically

16 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Primary capabilities are information retrieval and worldwide communication Three Basic characteristics Immediacy, Two-way nature, and Global nature of medium

17 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Begun in 1969 to test the feasibility of a wide area computer network (WAN) over which people could share data and messages

18 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Grew out of DOD experiment No central authority Each computer attached to the network (node) is equal to all others

19 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Originally known as ARPAnet which consisted of four computers Today the Internet includes millions of computers worldwide Brings a worldwide library of on-line information resources concerning a myriad of topics to anyone who has connectivity to the Internet

20 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators zSome common Internet services yElectronic mail yTelnet yAnonymous FTP yWAIS yNewsgroups yIRC yWWW

21 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators An Internet service is the exchange of a common type of information between application programs running somewhere on the Internet Electronic mail [e-mail] is an Internet service

22 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators When two or more e-mail applications pass messages between themselves on the Internet, this is knows as the Internet electronic mail service

23 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators The particular mail applications themselves are Internet applications, not an Internet service Internet applications can be running on different platforms yet use the same Internet service

24 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators E-mail is one of the most commonly used Internet service Allows users to exchange electronic messages Most e-mail application programs generate mail messages in a standard format

25 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators 1991 Introduction of WWW WWW subset of Internet Documents are either hypertext or hypermedia

26 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Hypertext documents contain embedded links to other documents Hypermedia documents contain embedded links to graphic, sound, and vides as well as text

27 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Data travels from a client to server and back through a protocol known as the HyperText Transfer Protocol (http)

28 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators The address (location) of a document is known as a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) The URL is the primary means of navigating the WWW

29 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators The URL consists of several parts http:// represents the means of access represents the Web site

30 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators vt represents the path usa.html represents the document The URL can be read from right to left

31 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Gopher Menu-based service for finding resources on the Internet FTP File Transfer Protocol governs how computers exchange files A protocol is a set of rules by which computers interact

32 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Chat Rooms Means of instantly communicating with people all over the world by using chat program Allow user to send messages to everyone else who is logged into the same channel at the same time A channel is similar to a global conference call

33 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Offline subscription service Subscription to mailing lists Usenet Newsgroups News Allows user to subscribe to one or many discussion groups Web Publishing

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