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No More Sleepy Hollow: A Collaborative Approach to Teaching and Promoting E-Resources to Attentive College Students Kristin D’Amato, Head of Acquisitions,

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Presentation on theme: "No More Sleepy Hollow: A Collaborative Approach to Teaching and Promoting E-Resources to Attentive College Students Kristin D’Amato, Head of Acquisitions,"— Presentation transcript:


2 No More Sleepy Hollow: A Collaborative Approach to Teaching and Promoting E-Resources to Attentive College Students Kristin D’Amato, Head of Acquisitions, Serials and E-resources, Central Connecticut State University Elihu Burritt Library Susan Slaga-Metivier, Head of Reference and Instruction Services, Central Connecticut State University Elihu Burritt Library


4 Central Connecticut State University Profile Midsize Regional Comprehensive FTE: 8,709 Undergraduate 7,714 Graduate 995 Commuter Population: 75%

5 Elihu Burritt Library

6 Traditional Instruction Methods at CCSU One shots One credit, semester long information literacy class Workshops One on one individual appointments

7 Traditional E-resource promotion at CCSU Blog posts Liaison communication with faculty Workshop Wednesdays

8 Typical Vendor Fair: Vendors set up booths for 3-5 hours to meet with users Vendors provide booth giveaways and help with door prizes to attract students, faculty, and administrators Users can spare a short time to browse the booths between classes and meetings to learn about new resources and ask questions about their old favorites Janosko, J. (2014). EXPO-nential Success Redux, or, If You Plan It They Will Come. Serials Librarian, 66(1-4), 253-261. doi:10.1080/0361526X.2014.877279

9 Our adaptation: A CCSU E-resource Fair! Librarians work the vendor booths and provide quick demos of our resources Benefits of this approach: o Promote information literacy in addition to marketing our resources o Opportunity to build relationships between library staff and students Drawback of this Approach: o Library must supply the prizes o Lost opportunity to enhance library-vendor relations

10 Trick or Treat at the Library! Taking the Fright out of E-resources!

11 Teamwork! Developing our vision: Marketing Committee o Met 4 times during the planning process o Volunteered for many tasks in addition to planning the event o Solicited additional volunteers from their departments Other Volunteer Teams: o Information Literacy Demo Team o Budget Planning o Space Planning o Set Up o Publicity o Assessment o Event Volunteers

12 Event Budget Library Budget for this event: $500 o Food: $200 o Prizes: $250, plus Burritt Library Logo items o Marketing: $75 ($25 over our allowance but charged to the library’s existing copy center budget) Vendors: Swag Contributions Donations: Library staff pitches in!

13 Information literacy Demo Team Database Selection o Credo Reference o Academic Search Premier o EBSCO eBooks o JSTOR o ProQuest Newspapers o RefWorks o Education in Video Guidelines Volunteers

14 Getting the word out Announcements o Library Blog o Listservs o CCSU Events Word of Mouth o Faculty Liaisons o Classes Advertisements o Posters o Postcards o Bookmarks

15 Advertisements

16 Event Day!

17 Demos

18 3D Printer Demonstrations

19 Participation Cards

20 Food

21 Prizes

22 Feedback Reference Department Students Volunteers

23 Volunteers Volunteer Wrap-up Meeting Discussion Feedback form Emails

24 Emails and Feedback Forms “I had a wonderful time. I really do enjoy this part of the job. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to help out!” “I was really happy and proud to have played a part in the Trick or Treat e-Resource event. These are they kind of days that I am reminded just how fortunate I am to work at an institution that allows me the opportunity to participate in and promote programs that can impact the learning potential of our students and helps them to succeed.” “Professor Keefe said that he thought that having the Trick or Treat e-Resource event mid- semester with a Halloween theme was perfect. He was very pleased to see all the enthusiasm and participation of our students in leaning about the library resources through attending the demos at the event.” “The event was really fun and informative and people were asking when we would be having another event.” “As a new staff member it allowed me to work with library staff from all departments and allowed me an opportunity to get to know the campus community better.” “What I liked best about the event: That it brought departments together to work together was very nice. But the best part was that I think we had a real impact on students & letting them know about library resources.”

25 Assessment Participation cards and Student Survey E-resources Usage

26 Participation Card Information Total number of participation cards submitted for raffle tickets: 78 7 booths stamped58 6 booths stamped4 5 booths stamped1 4 booths stamped4 3 booths stamped6 2 booths stamped2 1 booths stamped2

27 Student Survey 57 participants turned in surveys o 77% Undergraduate o 12% Graduate o 11% Staff or “Other” 89% of responders indicated that the resource demos were helpful o 82% of the undergraduates strongly agreed with this o 100% of the graduates strongly agreed with this 89% of responders indicated that they would attend this event in the future

28 Demo requests for future events “How to navigate the library's catalogue/library layout” “Possible ways to be able to get on the iPad or Kindle” “Printing in the library - could be useful for freshman” “Teach people to scan, copy, print in the library”

29 Usage

30 Usage

31 Success for the Burritt Library! Number of students reached No more sleepy hollow! Increased use of library resources Built relations between library staff and students Brought staff from across departments together Increased morale A Few Limitations: Time Commitment for planning Balance between research interests and marketing interests

32 Future Plans Hold Event Every Fall Keep Halloween Theme Start Planning and Marketing Earlier Incorporate Different Databases

33 Questions? Kristin D’AmatoSusan Slaga-Metivier

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