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Non-accelerator experiments NMH & CPV Results expected in 2022-2026: PINGU, ORCA atm. neutrinosNMH JUNO, RENO-50reactor neutrinosNMH INO atm. neutrinosNMH.

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Presentation on theme: "Non-accelerator experiments NMH & CPV Results expected in 2022-2026: PINGU, ORCA atm. neutrinosNMH JUNO, RENO-50reactor neutrinosNMH INO atm. neutrinosNMH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Non-accelerator experiments NMH & CPV Results expected in 2022-2026: PINGU, ORCA atm. neutrinosNMH JUNO, RENO-50reactor neutrinosNMH INO atm. neutrinosNMH Results expected in 2026-2030: Hyper-Katm. neutrinosNMH + CPV

2 Non-oscillation programs PINGU and ORCA: – SN neutrinos (just time profile and mean -energy) – low-energy GRB – WIMPs, Exotic particles (Magn. Monopoles etc.) JUNO and RENO-50: – p-decay – SN neutrinos – Geo-neutrinos Hyper-K: – Solar neutrinos – p-decay – SN neutrinos (incl. relic SN) – WIMPs, Exotics (magnetic monopoles etc.) INO: – Atm. nu and anti-nu separately – Precision study of HE muon energy loss – SN neutrinos – WIMPs, Exotics (Magnetic Monopoles etc.) DUNE: – p-decay – SN neutrinos (incl. relic neutrinos) – Solar neutrinos

3 PINGU and ORCA Predecessors – Amanda (turned of 2009) – IceCube with DeepCore Part of IceCube-Gen2 – PINGU – High-energy extension – Surface veto Predecessor – ANTARES Part of KM3NeT – ORCA – ARCA for high energy astronomy Can detect cosmic neutrinos ! Can do competetive oscilllation physics

4 Design PINGU  40 new strings + 9 old strings  60  80-96 DOM/string ORCA  115 strings  18 mDOMs/string

5 Design PINGU  40 new strings + 9 old strings  60  80-96 DOM/string  Effective mass ~ 2.5 Mt (5 GeV) 3.5 Mt (10 GeV)  Construction 2020-2023  Cost ~ 70 M$ ORCA  115 strings  18 mDOMs/string  Effective mass ~ 2.5 Mt ~ 3.5 Mt  Construction 2017-2020  Cost ~ 50 M€

6 Design PINGU  40 new strings + 9 old strings  60  80-96 DOM/string  Effective mass ~ 2.5 Mt (5 GeV) 3.5 Mt (10 GeV)  Construction 2020-2023  Cost ~ 70 M$ ORCA  115 strings  18 mDOMs/string  Effective mass ~ 2.5 Mt ~ 3.5 Mt  Construction 2017-2020  Cost ~ 50 M€ Chance to get the first 3  effect on NMH from a single experiment in 2023

7 Significance vs. time From PINGU LoI Need both tracks and cascades 3  after 3 years for sin²  23 ~ 0.4 3  after 2 years for sin²  23 ~ 0.5 3  after 1 year for sin²  23 ~ 0.6 Would improve with better input on cross section and spectral shape Would improve with better analysis, detector optimization Could slightly worsen due to systematics

8 Working on better understanding of systematic effects Expect more precise values for  m² 13, sin²  13 and sin²  23 from reactor expts, T2K, NOvA, DeepCore, … Expect more information on cross sections from accelerator experiments (interesting range 2 – 20 GeV) Systematics from PINGU LoI Impact on 1-year significance (1.75  )

9 Detector specific systematics Example Flavor identification: ORCA: less light scattering, homogeneous medium  better pattern recogniction  better flavor ID below 10 GeV PINGU prelim. Example downward  veto, extrapolation to higher energies: – PINGU is embedded in DeepCore – DeepCore is embedded in IceCube – Both act as extremely efficient veto against downward muons – Atm spectrum is measured with high statistics/accuracy toward high energies  normalization Complementary systematics due to detection medium and to detector configuration!

10 Conclusion on ORCA and PINGU PINGU and ORCA have very different systematics – high complementarity! Both with ~ 3  after 3 years PINGU and ORCA will continue their successful cooperation on systematic effects and significance calculation Prototype results from 6 strings ORCA expected in 2016/17 Milestone 2017/18: Comparative process on science and technology, in particular the performance of prototypes and systematics. Very likely that two detectors at 2 different sites turn out to be the optimum approach.

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