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The Russian Revolution - 1917 End of Imperial Russia; Rise of Communist Soviet Union How did each of the following help ignite the Russian Revolution?

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Presentation on theme: "The Russian Revolution - 1917 End of Imperial Russia; Rise of Communist Soviet Union How did each of the following help ignite the Russian Revolution?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Russian Revolution - 1917 End of Imperial Russia; Rise of Communist Soviet Union How did each of the following help ignite the Russian Revolution? Policies of the Czars: Autocratic policies, harsh measures, & resistance to change Industrialization and Economic Growth: Grueling working conditions, low wages, child labor, low standard of living, lack of political power & large gap between rich and poor. The Russo-Japanese War (1904-05): Russian losses sparked unrest & anger, revealed Czar’s weakness, led to revolt in the middle of the war. “Bloody Sunday” (1905): Czar’s troops fired on protesters, provoked strikes & violence across country, forced Czar Nicholas to promise more freedom = Duma – Russia’s first parliament World War I (1914-1918): Revealed weaknesses of Czarist rule & military leadership; destroyed morale of soldiers; mutinies, desertion, ignoring orders The March Revolution (1917): Forced Czar Nicholas II to abdicate thrown, Duma set up provisional government Rasputin: Influential/spiritual adviser to Czarina Alexandra, he opposed reform, relationship angered the people. How did each of the following help the Bolsheviks gain & hold power? November 1917 Revolution: Toppled provisional government; gave power to Bolsheviks Civil War between the Red and White Armies: millions of deaths from fighting & famine; showed Bolsheviks could seize AND maintain power; crushed opposition to Bolsheviks. Organization of Russia into Republics: Centralized power & unified power What role did each of the following play in the Russian Revolution? Karl Marx: Marx’s communist ideas formed basis of the revolutionary government. Vladimir Lenin: Led Bolshevik revolution & restored peace and order Leon Trotsky: Helped negotiate Treaty of Brest-Litovsk & commanded Red Army during civil war. Key Terms/Concepts in the Russian Revolution? Bolsheviks: Communists of Russian Revolution Reds vs. Whites: Bolsheviks/Communists vs. Monarchists/Conservatives Pogrom: organized violence against Jews Trans-Siberian Railroad: Railroad connecting European Russia with ports on the Pacific Ocean; used to exile political enemies to Siberia. Duma: Russia’s first parliament Soviet: local council of workers, peasants, & soldiers What was Lenin’s New Economic Policy (NEP) Goals: Improve/stabilize economy & standard of living Reduce mandatory food offerings from peasants: More for them to sell = increased income Introduce limited capitalism: Government regulated supply & production Generate money to industrialize: Strengthen Soviet Union & provide employment Secure Russia for Communism : Need economic success to support ideology Soviet Rule After Lenin? Stalin (1924-1953) Lenin’s unexpected death (1924): Power struggle between his deputies. Joseph Stalin Wins: Strong nationalistic view of Communism; “Socialism in one country” Stalin's totalitarian rule: Exile or death for political rivals; death to millions of Russians under his programs Stalin ends Lenin’s NEP (1928): Complete government control of all Ag. and Indust. production; begins Five Year Plans Vladimir Lenin: Leader of Communist/Bolshevik Revolution in Russia

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